miércoles, 25 de abril de 2012

Teaching Tips

Series of videos by the British Council which are regularly added with tips, new ideas and issues for English teachers.
An example:


lunes, 23 de abril de 2012

Earth Day

Yesterday it was Earth Day. Earth Day is an annual day on which events are held worldwide to increase awareness and appreciation of the Earth's natural environment. It is celebrated in more than 175 countries every year. In 2009, the United Nations designated April 22 International Mother Earth Day.

Here you have a very useful resource to promote environmental education. At My Garbology, you'll find an interactive online game that teaches about Garbology and answers the question, "Where should my waste go?" You'll also find lessons and activities to extend your Garbology experience, from how to pack a waste-less lunch to getting the dirt on composting. Plus, read our Trash Talk blog for stories of Garbology in practice. In the classroom or at home, you can make Garbology a part of your everyday life. MyGarbology is a project by NatureBridge, in partnership with AT&T, Pasco, Westernized, Elastic Creative, Sirius Sound, and many more.
(Source: http://www.naturebridge.org/garbology.php)

viernes, 20 de abril de 2012

BEP Network

Esta semana hemos recibido un correo del profesor Manuel F. Lara, en el que nos comunica una interesante iniciativa que consiste en la creación de una red llamada Bilingual Education Platform Network. 

Os animamos a conocer su trabajo en la siguiente dirección:
También podéis seguir la actividad de este grupo, entre otras redes, a través de Facebook:

martes, 17 de abril de 2012

IPad English

A very interesting blog on IPad as a tool for language learners by Jeffrey Hill (Normandy Business School, Le Havre, France) 

You will find the best English learning applications and an opportunity to add comments or even share your own opinion or some extra information about the posts.

viernes, 13 de abril de 2012

Sound Maps

Interactive maps to find recordings of regional accents and dialects, wildlife and environmental sounds, and selected world and traditional music.

See also http://sounds.bl.uk/ , where British Library Sounds presents 50,000 recordings and their associated documentation from the BL’s collections.

miércoles, 11 de abril de 2012

Google Docs for Teachers

An updated guide to using Google Documents in the classroom (designed for teachers who have never used it) by Richard Byrne.

martes, 3 de abril de 2012

Ayudas para cursos de lengua inglesa

Resolución de 6 de marzo de 2012, de la Secretaría de Estado de Educación, Formación Profesional y Universidades, por la que se convocan ayudas para cursos de lengua inglesa, destinadas a titulados en Máster en Profesorado de Enseñanza Secundaria Obligatoria y Bachillerato, Formación Profesional y Enseñanzas de Idiomas y a Maestros.

lunes, 2 de abril de 2012

International Childrens' Book Day

Since 1967, on or around Hans Christian Andersen's birthday, 2 April, International Children's Book Day (ICBD) is celebrated to inspire a love of reading and to call attention to children's books.

Each year a different National Section of IBBY has the opportunity to be the international sponsor of ICBD. It (this year it is Mexico) decides upon a theme and invites a prominent author from the host country to write a message to the children of the world and a well-known illustrator to design a poster. These materials are used in different ways to promote books and reading. Many IBBY Sections promote ICBD through the media and organize activities in schools and public libraries.

Bookbird: A Journal of International Children's Literature (published by IBBY). Back issues from 1963 to 2008