jueves, 26 de diciembre de 2013

Symbaloo sobre CLIL

Si seguís habitualmente nuestros blogs, habréis advertido el protagonismo que durante el curso hemos concedido a una herramienta de recopilación de favoritos como Symbaloo, a la hora de presentaros y agruparos algunos enlaces de interés sobre diversos temas.. Aquí tenéis la oportunidad de conocer una parrilla  o webmix donde se agrupan recursos relacionados con CLIL. Os animamos a conocer esta herramienta y a aprovechar sus múltiples posibilidades. ¿Por qué no echarle un vistazo si tenéis tiempo y ganas durante las vacaciones? Seguro que os encanta. Hablamos por experiencia propia.

viernes, 20 de diciembre de 2013

Oferta de cursos sobre didáctica del inglés para el próximo trimestre

Os recordamos que están abiertos a la inscripción, incluso en fechas vacacionales, Internet no cierra, algunos cursos relacionados con la lengua inglesa:

- Curso 14EL51EI027 - Didáctica del inglés en edades tempranas con Juan Rubio como profesor. Qué decir de una nueva edición dirigida al profesorado de infantil sobre metodología en la enseñanza y aprendizaje de inglés en esta etapa. No os la perdáis.
- Curso 14EL51IN084 - An Interactive Course: English Language in classroom. Una oferta original del CEFIRE de Elda con hablantes nativos, principalmente orientado a educación primaria, que os permitirá mejorar el uso del inglés en la interacción en el aula de forma divertida.

Ambos cursos se imparten en inglés.

Podéis consultar detalles e inscribiros en http://mestreacasa.gva.es/web/cefireelda/inscripcio

miércoles, 18 de diciembre de 2013


Are you interested in helping your students improve their knowledge about the anatomy of human body in a revolutionary new way? We are convinced that you will find this tool extremely useful. 

BodyMaps is an interactive visual search tool that will allow them to explore the human body in 3D. It allows users to mouse over body areas to learn more, look inside different layers of the body and rotate to get a full 360 degree view. It also offers relevant and useful health information. It is indeed a great resource for students, teachers and health educators. 


martes, 17 de diciembre de 2013

Scientific Animations (Harvard University)

Live Sciences Outreach at Harvard University provides these flash animations based upon storyboards created by participants in a Summer Workshop for High School Teachers.

Topics covered include Biodiversity, Physiology, Microbiology, Regenerative Biology, Evolution, Neurobiology, Immunology and the Biology of Cancer.

jueves, 12 de diciembre de 2013

The Wordsmyth Illustrated Learner’s Dictionary (WILD)

The Wordsmyth Illustrated Learner’sDictionary (WILD) is Wordsmyth’s newest and most exciting and interactive dictionary. It is geared toward children in Grades K to 3 as well as to young English Language Learners. The beta version of WILD is now available for exploration at http://kids.wordsmyth.net/wild/

The Dictionary consists of three sections or environments. All of them are linked with each other so that a user may at any time navigate from one to another:

- The World is made up of places, or "settings," that you can explore. You can find different places. When you move your mouse around a setting, you can see the words that are labeled inside it.

- The Book shows you all of the words in WILD from A to Z, along with part of each word's dictionary entry.

- The Collections include a wide range of categories and subcategories, such as plants, parts of plants, animals, mammals, invertebrates, parts of the human body, actions of the body, foods, colors, and shapes... Included in the Collections is also a collection called Maps through which children can access an interactive map of the world.

Teachers and students will also find WILD's activities (What is it?, Where is it?, Scavenger Hunt and Where can you find these?) very useful. 

lunes, 9 de diciembre de 2013


UsingEnglish.com is a general English language site, specialising in ESL (English as a Second Language) .

Since the beginning of 2002 it provides a wide range of resources (quizzes, tests, reference, articles, handouts, lesson plans, forums...) for learners and teachers using different varieties of English.

Their free membership gives members additional on-site content which is unavailable to non-members.

jueves, 5 de diciembre de 2013

Computer Lab Favorites (Scholastic)

Quick, compelling one-session activities you need to incorporate interactive learning and technology into your curriculum. 
Each activity requires no prep and can be completed in 15-30 minutes. There are more than 50 activities on Language Arts, Math, Social Studies, Science and Spanish.
You can find them at: 

lunes, 2 de diciembre de 2013

ESL Games World

This site is dedicated to helping teachers by providing ESL games for classrooms, PowerPoint games and templates, printable board games, interactive games, games for ESL kids and adults, grammar, vocabulary and reading games...

Their free ESL games include: Snakes and Ladders, Hangman, Spelling games, Wheel of Fortune, TV Games (Betting Game), Mazes, Memory Games, Matching exercises, Sequencing exercises, Picture Quizzes and more.

Three levels of action are proposed:
  • Easy. Beginner/ Elementary
  • Medium. Pre-intermediate
  • High. Intermediate/ Advanced

viernes, 29 de noviembre de 2013

lunes, 25 de noviembre de 2013


Rewordify.com is powerful, free, online reading comprehension and vocabulary development software. It helps people understand difficult English faster, helps them learn words in new ways, and helps teachers create high-interest learning materials from any English text passage.

The site does not display ads and does not collect any personal information, for a distraction-free, school-safe learning environment.

The site lets users:
  • quickly learn what difficult passages mean
  • use any high-interest material as a source of learning, for better motivation and engagement
  • browse the Web in a powerful new way, for better comprehension with fewer distractions
  • customize how the site works and displays words, for personal control over learning
  • instantly read—and learn from—rewordified versions of a huge library of classic literature
  • use on-screen flash cards and quizzes from any high-interest text to further reinforce learning

(Source Rewordify)

miércoles, 20 de noviembre de 2013

Universal Children's Day

Universal Children Day is celebrated on 20 November every year with the purpose of promoting International togetherness and awareness among children . This day is observed to promote the objectives outlined in the Charter and for the welfare of children. On November 20, 1959 the United Nations adopted the Declaration of the Rights of the Child. The United Nations also adopted the Convention on the Rights of the Child on November 20, 1989.

Here you have some resources in English for your students:

lunes, 18 de noviembre de 2013

World Geography Games

This website features more than twenty geography games. The quizzes include questions about identification of countries, regions, metropolitan areas, mountains and oceans, among other topics.

Students can earn points for each correct answer and the system also tracks how many attempts they make.

The games are available in several languages (Spanish, English, French and Dutch)

viernes, 15 de noviembre de 2013

Kid Activities

KidActivities.net has more than 335 categories (with over 6000 pages) loaded with funny activities for children, ideas, tips, articles, training topics, and inspiration for childcare professionals, teachers and parents. 

Just visit http://www.kidactivities.net/. You will find lots of interesting resources in English.

lunes, 11 de noviembre de 2013


This site by Enda Toumey, an Irish teacher who has been teaching for about 27 years in Ireland, Zimbabwe, Saudi Arabia and the UAE, is a fantastic open resource aimed at people who are learning English and taking the IELTS or TOEFL exams. 
It is divided into several parts:
  1. How to write Argument and Opinion IELTS essays and lots of example essays;
  2. Writing about Graphs and other essays (Problem and Solution, Cause and Effect);
  3. Speaking for IELTS Speaking and PET Speaking tests; and
  4. Your IELTS essays! A place for you to upload your IELTS essays and help other people with their writing.

Lots of other links and activities are provided.

You can also visite its YouTube channel: http://www.youtube.com/user/mrwritefix

jueves, 7 de noviembre de 2013

Little Miss Kindergarten on Pinterest

Little Miss Kindergarten is a pinner who has a large selection of boards on all things related to kindergarten. Don't miss out on loads of useful ideas and activities. They are amazing.

Convocatòria d'estades formatives d'immersió lingüística (anglés) en territori nacional

Esta convocatòria per al professorat amb destinació en centres sostinguts amb fons públics té com a objectiu completar la formació del Pla de Competència Comunicativa en Anglés, 2013. S'adreça fonamentalment al professorat que a les últimes convocatòries de cursos de Competència Comunicativa en Anglés ha sigut apte en el nivell equivalent al B2 o està en possessió del títol oficial B2 i que està proposat en el Projecte Lingüístic de Centre per a vehicular una àrea, matèria o mòdul en llengua anglesa.

El període d'inscripció serà des del dia 5 de novembre fins el dia 13 de novembre, ambdós inclosos. Pots accedir a la inscripció mitjançant el següent enllaç.

La llista provisional de persones admeses i no admeses es farà pública en la web a partir del dia 14 de novembre de 2013.

A fi de poder participar en els cursos cal confirmar l'assistència, incloses les persones en espera, per a la qual cosa s'obrirà un període fins al dia 18 de novembre. La llista definitiva de participants en els cursos d'immersió s'elaborarà basant-se en les confirmacions. La no-confirmació implicarà la pèrdua de lloc en el curs.

S'obrirà un període de 5 dies naturals, comptadors des de la publicació de la llista provisional, perquè les persones excloses puguen presentar al·legacions exclusivament a través del formulari electrònic que s'habilitarà a l'efecte. No s'atendran reclamacions per correu electrònic. En tot cas, només es prendrà en consideració la documentació justificativa al·legada durant el termini de presentació de sol·licituds.

La llista definitiva de persones admeses i no admeses es farà pública en la web del Servici de Formació del Professorat a partir del dia 20 de novembre de 2013. Si després d'haver confirmat l'assistència al curs, no s'hi pot assistir, cal RENUNCIAR.

  • Del 22/11 al 29/11 a Los Nogales
  • Del 22/11 al 29/11 a Coto del Valle
  • Del 22/11 al 29/11 a Villa Engracia
  • Del 29/11 al 06/12 a Los Nogales
  • Del 29/11 al 06/12 a Coto del Valle
  • Del 29/11 al 06/12 a Villa Engracia
  • Del 6/12 al 13/12 a Los Nogales
  • Del 17/01 al 24/01 a Coto del Valle
  • Del 24/01 al 31/01 a Los Nogales
  • Del 24/01 al 31/01 a Coto del Valle

jueves, 31 de octubre de 2013

Phrasalstein. Una aplicación terrorífica sobre phrasal verbs

Después de crear una maravillosa aplicación sobre phrasal verbs, reseñada en nuestro blogdesde Cambridge University Press nos vuelven a proponer una nueva versión muy propia para estos días: Phrasalstein.

Permite, al igual que la anterior, ver las definiciones y contextos de uso de los phrasal verbs o practicar sobre ellos mediante un test de múltiple opción. En este caso, en las animaciones que representan estos verbos, utiliza personajes de terror, el doctor Phrasalstein y un conjunto de monstruos, vampiros y brujas.

martes, 29 de octubre de 2013

Let's Have Fun With English

The aim of this collection of resources on EFL is to provide information and resources to help teachers inside and outside the classroom. 

Its developer, Mrs. Haquet, teaches English in France. She likes creating games and activities for her students that we can find useful for ours. They include interactive books, sites, PowerPoint presentations, projects, videos, vocabulary (HotPotatoes exercises)...

domingo, 27 de octubre de 2013

Linguapress Free Online English Grammar

"The Linguapress English grammar provides an overview of the main points of English grammar, clearly explained, with plenty of  examples. These pages are designed for students in the higher grades of secondary education or high school, and in universities and other forms of higher education. Though originally aimed at non-native speakers of English, this is also an invaluable resource for English-speaking students wishing to comprehend the syntax and workings of their own language".

Source and resource: http://linguapress.com/grammar/.

viernes, 25 de octubre de 2013


From TeachingEnglish (British Council) Video about several of the important issues surrounding testing and assessment.

martes, 15 de octubre de 2013

Nueva convocatoria. Cursos presenciales de inglés. (Niveles A2, B1 y B2)

Se acaba de publicar la convocatoria de la Dirección General de Innovación Ordenación y Política Lingüística de la Consellería de Educación, Cultura y Deporte para la realización de cursos presenciales de inglés (niveles A2, B1 y B2), dirigidos al profesorado de enseñanzas no universitarias, en ejercicio en centros sostenidos con fondos públicos.

Su finalidad es posibilitar que el profesorado pueda conseguir sus objetivos y el nivel de inglés deseado. Los cursos se ponen en marcha por el Servicio de Formación del Profesorado en colaboración con las Escuelas Oficiales de Idiomas.

La presente convocatoria de cursos de formación presencial se complementará con otra convocatoria de cursos puramente online. Sólo se podrá participar en una de las dos convocatorias. Recordad: la inscripción en este curso excluye la posibilidad de inscripción en la convocatoria de cursos de inglés online, que se publicará en breve.

lunes, 14 de octubre de 2013

Math Live

Math Live is a website with animated math tutorials divided into four strands: numbers, patterns and relations, shape and space, and statistics and probability.

Each lesson includes animations that describe math problem solving with examples and interactive lessons. It also includes PDF downloads with Parent Notes, Teacher Notes, Activity Sheets, and Assessments.

Math Live was depeloped by Alberta Education (Canada).

domingo, 13 de octubre de 2013

Some Halloween Teacher Resources

Halloween is a holiday celebrated on the night of October 31. The word Halloween is a shortening of All Hallows' Evening also known as Hallowe'en or All Hallows' Eve.

Traditional activities include trick-or-treating, bonfires, costume parties, visiting "haunted houses" and carving jack-o-lanterns. Irish and Scottish immigrants carried versions of the tradition to North America in the nineteenth century (...)

Halloween has its origins in the ancient Celtic festival known as Samhain (pronounced "sah-win"). The festival of Samhain is a celebration of the end of the harvest season in Gaelic culture. Samhain was a time used by the ancient pagans to take stock of supplies and prepare for winter. The ancient Gaels believed that on October 31, the boundaries between the worlds of the living and the dead overlapped and the deceased would come back to life and cause havoc such as sickness or damaged crops. (Source: http://www.halloweenhistory.org/)

Below you will find some resources, teaching ideas and lesson plans about Halloween:

martes, 8 de octubre de 2013

Jornadas Recursos y propuestas para trabajar el inglés en el aula de infantil

La semana pasada terminaron nuestras jornadas dirigidas al profesorado de infantil en torno a la enseñanza de y en inglés.

La participación ha sido bastante numerosa y, pese a lo breve de la actividad, un primer vistazo a las evaluaciones confirma la satisfacción de quienes compartisteis estas experiencias.

Desde las asesorías de Plurilingüismo y de Infantil del CEFIRE de Elda queremos dar las gracias a quienes participasteis y a los y las responsables de las ponencias. Más allá de que haya temas más o menos cercanos a nuestras expectativas o distintos estilos para comunicarlos, un denominador común de todas las personas que actuaron como ponentes fue su disponibilidad para con la organización y su determinación por contribuir a una mejor educación al servicio de nuestro alumnado desde cada una de las realidades docentes en las que se implican.

Os dejamos algunas imágenes de las jornadas y el enlace a diversos contenidos trabajados en ellas.  

domingo, 6 de octubre de 2013

Learners TV

Learnerstv.com is a comprehensive site providing thousands of downloadable free science animations, lecture notes, live online tests and video lectures in the fields of Biology, Physics, Chemistry, Mathematics, Computer Science, Engineering, Medicine, Management and Accounting, Dentistry, Nursing, Psychology, History, Language Training, Literature, Law, Economics, Philosophy, Astronomy, Political Science etc. Most of the materials offered are licensed by the respective institutes under a Creative Commons License.

martes, 1 de octubre de 2013


Problem-Attic is a product of EducAide Software. It makes a large body of questions available for free, for personalized learning. Tens of thousands of questions from a variety of sources have been entered into a database, organized by topic and made individually selectable and re-formattable, so they can be inserted into all kinds of new documents, quizzes, worksheets...

An awesome resource to easily create your own teaching materials or assesment documents in four easy steps. Just select, arrange, format and print. Sign up. It's free.

domingo, 29 de septiembre de 2013


Eslflow was created in 1998 by Peter Snashall as a resource for researching ESL/EFL ideas and creating lessons and courses as quicky as possible. It offers lessons, activities, lessons plans surveys and more. It is a great place to find materials and teaching resources for any skill, topic or proficiency level (beginner, pre-intermediate and intermediate).

Useful tools for ESL teachers are also available on the Teachers Tools Section

lunes, 23 de septiembre de 2013

Share My Lesson

Share My Lesson is a place where educators can come together to create and share their very best teaching resources. Developed by teachers for teachers, this free platform gives access to high-quality teaching resources and provides an online community where teachers can collaborate with, encourage and inspire each other.

sábado, 21 de septiembre de 2013


SchoolsWorld is a brand-new, multimedia platform, providing innovative and informative content for everyone involved with or wanting to be involved in schools. Besides all the content from Teachers TV, there is something for everyone: videos, interactive games, work sheets, fact sheets, information and latest education news. There's also opportunity to get involved in great competitions and daily polls.

SchoolsWorld is designed for everyone involved with schools:
  • Pupils and students
  • Parents
  • Teachers
  • Schools management, headteachers and Governors
  • Businesses and charities


martes, 17 de septiembre de 2013


Awesome blog by David Mainwood with activities he has used in class. These activities are designed to be used either by teachers in class with an interactive whiteboard, projector or by students working in a computer room or using personally owned devices.

Posts by level, games and quizzes, links and some other interesting places to improve your English.

domingo, 15 de septiembre de 2013

Brain breaks. Movement in learning

Movement in learning is a teaching method based on the concept that students learn better through movement in the classroom. Students should have the opportunity throughout a class period to move around to take "brain breaks" to refocus their attention so they can learn new material. Brain research suggests that physical activity prior to class and during class, increases students' ability to process and retain new material.
(Source: Wikipedia)

This site provides some good practices and links to further resources in this are:

martes, 10 de septiembre de 2013

CNN Student News

CNN Student News is a ten-minute, commercial-free, daily news program designed for middle and high school classes. It is produced by the journalists and educators at CNN. This award-winning show and its companion website are available free of charge throughout the school year. At CNNStudentNews.com, you'll find a wealth of teacher materials presented free of charge, including Daily Transcripts for each show, Daily Curriculum and additional support materials to help your students understand the news (maps, key concepts, discussion questions...) 


jueves, 5 de septiembre de 2013

Jornadas sobre inglés y educación infantil

Os ofrecemos el programa de nuestras jornadas Recursos y propuestas para trabajar el inglés en el aula de infantil una vez actualizados algunos de los datos del preprograma. Al final tendrá lugar en la Fundación Paurides González Vidal de Elda.

Todavía podéis inscribiros en la página del CEFIRE de Elda. 

martes, 3 de septiembre de 2013


NoRedInk.com is a web-based learning platform that helps students improve their grammar and writing skills. Teachers can adjust questions based on each kid’s favorite celebrities, hobbies, TV shows, etc. making the content inherently interesting. 

In addition to students practicing their grammar skills on their own, teachers can also create a class, use the site to give assignments and quizzes according to each kid’s interests and view student progress.

jueves, 29 de agosto de 2013

The Lawrence Hall of Science. 24/7 Science (Kidsite)

The Lawrence Hall of Science is a public science center that offers hands-on science exhibits, designs curriculum, aids professional development, and offers after school science resources to students of all ages. The Hall was established in 1968 in honor of Ernest Orlando Lawrence, the University of California's first Nobel laureate. The Hall is located in the hills above the University of California, Berkeley campus.

Since the Hall opened to the public, learning by doing has been core to all of their programs. To address the challenges in science, technology, engineering and mathematics (STEM) education today, they have created a comprehensive set of programs to help increase the quality and quantity of great science learning that kids get both in and out of school.

Their Kidsite includes four sections:

AfterSchool KidzScience
Check Out Science
Explore Your World
Roadside Heritage

There you will find activities, games, quizzes, videos & podcasts, etc.

You can visit this website on: http://www.lawrencehallofscience.org/kidsite/

miércoles, 28 de agosto de 2013


#ELTchat started in September 2010 when a group of ELT professionals began to use Twitter to discuss topics of their interest. It began with the aim of creating a freely available social network for ELT professionals offering mutual support and opportunities for Continuous Professional Development.

Now, every Wednesday at 12 pm (GMT) and 21.00 pm (GMT), ELT teachers from all over the world log into their Twitter account and for one hour hold an online discussion on a topic they have selected. The conversations can be followed by following the #ELTchat hashtag on Twitter.

Every Saturday, one of the moderators will put up a blog post on the #ELTchat Blog asking teachers who follow #ELTchat to propose some topics for the next chats. #ELTchat followers can go to that post and suggest topics in the comments under the blog post.

On Sunday evening, the moderators review the topics and create an online poll. #ELTchat followers are then invited to vote on the topics until Wednesday morning. Once the poll closes the top two topics become the subjects of the discussions.

After each chat, a transcript is posted on the #ELTchat wiki

Every month, a podcast, featuring an interview with one of their followers, interviews with well-known ELT authors and a quick summary of the past month's #ELTchats on the podcasts page.

domingo, 25 de agosto de 2013

Songs, songs, songs (for young learners)

Nos hemos detenido en ocasiones en diversos recursos relacionados con las canciones y la enseñanza del inglés, normalmente dirigidos al alumnado de primaria o secundaria. 

En este caso os presentamos una recopilación de canciones en Flash desde la página de Angles365. Hacía ya bastante tiempo que no presentábamos un recurso más bien orientado a la etapa de infantil y a primer ciclo de primaria. Os recordamos al respecto Super Simple Songs, bastante similar a lo que podéis encontrar en los siguientes enlaces:

jueves, 22 de agosto de 2013

PBS Learning Media

PBS Learning Media is a dynamic platform offering the best of public media content (videos, games, audio clips, photos, lesson plans...) and produced specifically for PreK-16 teachers. With free access to over 12,000 high-quality resources tied to national standards, teachers can download, save and share exactly what they need for an inspired classroom experience.


lunes, 19 de agosto de 2013

Science360 Video Library

The Science360 Video Library immerses visitors in the latest wonders of science, engineering, technology and math. They gather the latest science videos provided by scientists, colleges and universities, science and engineering centers, the National Science Foundation and more. Each video is embeddable to put on your own personal websites, blogs and social networking pages. Science360 engages the general public, science junkies and students alike in the cutting-edge discoveries and big science stories of the day.

The Science360 Video Library is sponsored by the National Science Foundation.

domingo, 18 de agosto de 2013


Quizlet was founded in 2005 by 15-year-old Andrew Sutherland for a high-school French class. He wanted an easy-to-use tool for learning vocabulary. He built Quizlet for himself, shared it with his friends, and it grew from there.

Quizlet is now among the largest educational websites in the world. Millions of teachers and students use it. 

As a memorization tool, Quizlet lets registered users create "sets" of terms customized for their own needs. These sets of terms can then be studied under several study modes.

miércoles, 31 de julio de 2013

How to write numbers in English. 6 common mistakes (on EngVid)

engVid gives you the opportunity to learn English for free with 545 video lessons by experienced native-speaker teachers. New classes are added three times a week, covering grammar, vocabulary, pronunciation, TOEFL, and more.

lunes, 29 de julio de 2013

Science Kids

The aim of Science Kids is to provide educational resources for teachers and parents that help make science fun and engaging for kids. 

This website was created by Rene Smith, a New Zealander teacher, and offers a wide range of great classroom teaching ideas and resources (experiments, games, facts, projects, quizzes, lessons, images, videos…) organized by topic.

viernes, 26 de julio de 2013

Jornadas de inglés en el aula de infantil

Hemos cerrado prácticamente las intervenciones de nuestras jornadas: Recursos y propuestas para trabajar el inglés en el aula de infantil, que tendrán lugar en Elda los días 30 de septiembre, 1 y 2 de octubre (10 horas). 

Podéis ver el pre-programa en el siguiente enlace e inscribiros en la página del CEFIRE de Elda. Esperamos que os interese.