jueves, 28 de julio de 2016


Do you know this resource? 

AsapSCIENCE offers an interesting and funny way to explain science by using animations and drawings. Popular topics on science on this YouTube channel created by Mitchell Moffit and Gregory Brown.

martes, 26 de julio de 2016


Created by librarians, teachers, and other education stakeholders, Kidtopia.info is a friendly Google custom search engine and web site directory for students in grades K-4. All web sites have been checked thoroughly and recommended by teachers, librarians or educational consortia, so you get reliable, age appropriate reources in your search results.

You can find Kidtopia on:

jueves, 21 de julio de 2016

ELSA English Language Speech Assistant

ELSA, which stands for English Language Speech Assistant, is a mobile application that functions as a personal pronunciation coach to help English learners around the world speak English more correctly and confidently. Interesting resource to practice pronunciation regularly and effectively.

ELSA Blog with interesting and fun reads on pronunciation practices:

domingo, 17 de julio de 2016

Recursos para trabajar el inglés en edades tempranas (curso)

La oferta de formación para el primer trimestre del curso 2016-2017, como seguramente sabréis, se ha publicado recientemente en la página del CEFIRE de Elda.

Directamente relacionada con la didáctica del inglés en edades tempranas, tenemos el gusto de presentaros una nueva edición del curso con Juan Rubio, docente de cuya experiencia y valía conoceréis muchas y muchos docentes de nuestra zona.

Si tenéis interés en esta propuesta, está disponible en la página:

Los objetivos específicos del curso son los siguientes:
  • Reconocer los factores que influyen en el proceso de adquisición de la lengua extranjera a edades tempranas.
  • Disponer de conocimientos sobre los diferentes métodos y enfoques didácticos orientados a este fin.
  • Saber utilizar materiales y recursos conducentes a la mejor adquisición de la lengua extranjera a edades tempranas.

Sus contenidos:
  • Factores que influyen en el proceso de adquisición de la lengua extranjera a edades tempranas.
  • Métodos y enfoques didácticos.
  • Uso de materiales y recursos.
  • Contextos significativos en el marco de un enfoque comunicativo.

No os lo perdáis.

viernes, 15 de julio de 2016

Music in the English Class

Music is one of the best and most motivating resources in the ESL/ EFL classroom. Music is the universal language of mankind. This makes it an amazing teaching tool which connects cultures and languages. 

Studies have shown that music improves concentration and memory. It relaxes people, makes learning fun and constitutes a shared learning environment regardless of the age, background, sex… of the learner.

The following educational resource by M.Àngels Araujo, Isabel Clara Moll, Josep Perez-Prior and Laura Rocamora provides a very interesting example of good practice in this regard.

jueves, 7 de julio de 2016


SmartyReader is an eReader platform that aims to improve student’s critical reading skills. It cultivates reading and independent critical thinking.

SmartyReader has multiple tools:
Smarticles (Modular reading comprehension exercises. Articles from real times news so a student can improve his reading and grammar skills).
Flashcard Stack (It allows you to go back to words that you did not understand while reading a Smarticle).
VocabCompanion (It allows you to improve your vocabulary by providing preselected words that you have to match with their correct definitions).

SmartyReader is functional on any device that has a web browser. It offers a monthly suscription to a limitless supply of Smarticles.

Ian Siegel (SmartyReader founder) on SmartyReader:

martes, 5 de julio de 2016

#Brexit and #Bregret

On June 23rd a referendum was held to decide whether the UK should leave or remain in the European Union. As you probably know, leave won by 52% to 48%.

This Padlet summarizes some significant reactions on Brexit in social media, and gives you an opportunity to learn about this subject and to practice your reading in a real-life context.