sábado, 25 de septiembre de 2021

Literacy for CLIL

This repository was created as part of the Erasmus Plus project focused on developing literacy skills of students in primary grades when learning English. 

It includes two main parts-the literacy grid template with the explanations and 10 exemplary literacy units with some additional materials such as unit plans, teaching materials, video-taped lesson fragments and commentaries given by students and teachers. 

The initial set of 10 units was created specifically for grades 3, 4, and 5 by international teams of teachers from Poland, Slovenia, and Spain. 

Find it on:


Up. Material de @maarcoo43 para la clase de inglés de Primaria

Material para el repaso de algunas cuestiones de la gramática del inglés. 

Diseñado mediante la herramienta Genially por Marco Marañés (@maarcoo43), se orienta al alumnado de primaria y se apoya en personajes de ficción para abordar los contenidos desde una perspectiva amigable basada en el juego y en el conocimiento de las historias que protagonizan dichos personajes.

El recurso, donde aparece anunciada la incorporación de otras secciones basados en diversas películas, podéis encontrarlo en:


viernes, 17 de septiembre de 2021

Infographics related to education by @nikpeachey

A collection of infographics related to technology and education Interesting material to decorate your English classrooms or to provide graphical summaries on a wide range of educational topics.

Find it on:


Embracing Language Diversity in Your Classroom - 2021 Edition

The aim of the “Language-aware teacher” MOOC is to enhance teachers’ awareness about the language competences of their students and how to benefit from them as well as to provide them with different tools and resources to support them to deliver curricular subjects in different languages. 

Start date

Monday, 20 September 2021

End date

Wednesday, 27 October 2021


The course lasts for 5,5 weeks: during the first four weeks, one new module opens every Monday. The deadline for the final assignment is Wednesday, 27 October.

The estimated workload is 4-5 hours per week, with a total of approximately 25 hours for the completion of the course.

Target audience

This course is meant for primary and secondary school teachers and teacher trainers from Europe and beyond. The course also aims at teachers who work in bilingual and CLIL contexts (schools) regardless of the subject they usually teach.


You will receive a digital course badge and a course certificate if you complete the full course: this means you have to visit all sections and complete the final peer assessment activity before the deadline.

(Source School Education Gateway) 


sábado, 11 de septiembre de 2021

Educational resources about 9/11 #September11

On the morning of 11 September 2001, members of the Islamic terrorist group Al Qaeda hijacked four planes in a coordinated attack. Two planes crashed into the Twin Towers in downtown New York, a third plane crashed into the Pentagon building in Washington, D.C., and the last plane was shot down in a field in Pennsylvania. 

The attacks killed 2,977 people, including civilians, Pentagon military personnel and the firefighters, police and emergency medical personnel who arrived on the scene.

There are many different educational resources that try to explain these attacks to students. The following list may be useful in communicating an event that would be of great importance in the future to those who did not witness it first-hand.

The National 9/11 Pentagon Memorial


Library of Congress


National Education Association


Smithsonian Magazine


Teacher Planet








Broadcast your news programme

Dentro de la sección de Experiencias Educativas Inspiradoras del INTEF, una muy interesante dirigida al alumnado de 2º de ESO de inglés e impulsada desde el IES Ricardo Delgado Vizcaíno de Pozoblanco en Córdoba.

Mediante la introducción de las TIC se propone la creación de un vídeo de un programa de noticias en diversos formatos y sobre temas de interés para el alumnado.  

Si queréis conocer la experiencia, así como los detalles de su realización y recursos que se propusieron para llevarla a cabo, podéis consultar:


Así mismo, la experiencia es accesible a través de la descarga de un .PDF


sábado, 4 de septiembre de 2021


CleverCookie is a project of the ENTELEARN research group, coordinated by Milagros Torrado and formed by teachers in the area of English language didactics interested in researching learners' productions through the use of emerging technologies.




Free lesson plans, flashcards, worksheets, craft sheets, downloadable songs and classroom readers that you can use in your ESL for kids lessons.

Find them on:
