sábado, 24 de junio de 2023

The No Project

The No Project is a worldwide educational campaign aimed at raising awareness among young people about modern slavery and human trafficking. They utilize various forms of media such as film, music, art, dance, theatre, journalism, creative writing, education, and social media to engage youth in this cause.

Their mission is to ensure that every young individual possesses an accurate understanding of modern slavery, enabling them to make well-informed and ethical choices as responsible global citizens in the future.

The campaign provides comprehensive educational resources, including videos, visuals, reading materials, slides, and a step-by-step Teacher's Guide, which assists educators in delivering lessons effectively. The content is specifically designed for older teenagers, young adults, and adults. These resources can be used with students who have a high level of English proficiency as a second language.

For more information, please visit:



Lesson plans: 


Bitesize: English as an additional language. Level 1

English for Speakers of Other Languages (ESOL) primarily pertains to adult individuals in the United Kingdom who are learning English and attending English language classes. 

On the other hand, English as an Additional Language (EAL) is typically used to describe children residing and studying in the UK, whose first language is not English.

This resource is one of a series of online resources from the BBC's Bitesize collection.


domingo, 18 de junio de 2023

Corpus resources for A-level English Language and English Language Teaching

This webpage provides ideas and activities aimed at teaching spoken British English to A-level or GCSE-level English Language students. It includes fully-developed lesson plans as well as suggestions for additional activities that can complement the existing class materials. These materials make use of the BNClab, an online platform created by Lancaster University.

The BNClab employs 10 million words from two extensive corpora, namely the British National Corpus and the British National Corpus 2014, to aid students in exploring topics aligned with the national curriculum. These topics include the impact of gender, age, and region on spoken communication, as well as the language changes that have occurred in English over the past three decades. 


sábado, 10 de junio de 2023

World Geography Games

Explore a captivating website that offers a plethora of engaging and stimulating map games aimed at enhancing your geographical knowledge. These interactive quizzes cover a wide range of subjects, including countries, capitals, flags, regions, bodies of water, mountains, deserts, metropolitan areas, and more, providing an opportunity to challenge and sharpen your cognitive abilities. 

Whether you are an avid explorer or simply curious about the world, this is the ideal destination to embark on a journey of discovery and learning. 


ESL KidStuff

ESL KidStuff serves as an online platform dedicated to teaching English as a Second Language (ESL) to children. It provides a diverse array of educational resources and tools tailored specifically for young learners of English, including lesson plans, worksheets, flashcards, songs, games, and more.

ESL KidStuff caters to teachers, parents, and tutors who engage with children learning English as a foreign or second language. Its primary objective is to foster an enjoyable and interactive English learning experience for kids through age-appropriate activities.

Within ESL KidStuff, you can explore a wide range of materials organized by different subjects like vocabulary, grammar, phonics, reading, writing, and listening. These resources often feature vibrant illustrations and can be utilized both in classroom settings and at home to support the learning of the English language.

The website further provides comprehensive lesson plans with step-by-step guidance for educators, encompassing warm-up activities, teaching tips, and recommended games or exercises. Additionally, printable flashcards, worksheets, and songs are available to reinforce language acquisition beyond the confines of traditional classrooms.  Lesson plans, flashcards, worksheets, songs, readers & crafts.


lunes, 5 de junio de 2023

The Kiboomers. YouTube channel

The Kiboomers YouTube channel is a fantastic destination for children seeking fun and educational content. With their catchy tunes and vibrant animations, The Kiboomers create an immersive experience that captivates young viewers. Their inclusive and age-appropriate videos make it a top choice for parents who want their kids to enjoy safe and entertaining content on YouTube. 

The Kiboomers strike the perfect balance between music and education, making their channel a valuable resource for children's learning and enjoyment. 

Visit the channel on:


Motion Elements

Motion Elements is a platform that provides the opportunity to download free and royalty-free videos. Additionally, it has a paid version. It is possible to filter the content according to this criterion. 

Their stock video library offers over 2 million 4K videos that can be used in various ways in your English classes, such as a starting point for a conversation, describing elements, narrating events, etc. 

