miércoles, 29 de febrero de 2012

Wikispaces on YouTube

Launched in March 2005, Wikispaces is Wikispaces is a hosting service based in San Francisco, California. The Wikispaces YouTube channel contains screencast videos created by Wikispaces to show you how to utilize some of their useful features.

miércoles, 22 de febrero de 2012

British Council (BC) Project. Twin for 2012

Want to bring the inspirational power of the Olympic and Paralympic games into your classroom? Get involved in ‘Twin for 2012’ and BC can find you an international partner school giving your pupils the chance to get in touch with their peers in the UK and work together on joint projects. 

There are hundreds of schools in UK who have already registered and would like to find a partner. They are looking, in particular, to recruit schools in the primary sector.

They’re inspirational, they’re exciting and they’re almost here! The Olympic and Paralympic Games are coming to London in 2012.  Now’s the time to help your pupils to get ready and get connected with the power of the Games through British Council Schools Online. The Games are a fantastic opportunity to inspire young people all over the world. They make a compelling demonstration of international friendship and highlight the power of sport in bringing people together.  So how can you bring the inspirational power of the Games into your classroom?

Through the Olympics initiative ‘Twin for 2012’ BC can find you a UK partner school; giving your pupils the chance to get in touch with their international peers and work together on joint projects. If your country is participating in the London 2012 Olympic and Paralympic Games, BC will find you a partner school in the UK. Simply register your details, including a short paragraph about your school and what you’re interested in working on.

Once you’ve been allocated a partner school, there’s a whole range of exciting projects you can collaborate on and some resource templates to make it easy for you to get started. BC will give you a dedicated online project space for you and your partner to share information and you will also get access to BC's online forums where you can swap ideas with other schools.  

martes, 21 de febrero de 2012

Actividades PEL

Mar Gallego, asesora del CEP de Sevilla, ofrece en su blog la noticia de la presentación de 452 fichas de trabajo en inglés, francés y alemán basadas el Portfolio Europeo de las Lenguas (PEL) y en los descriptores de evaluación del Marco Común Europeo de Referencia (niveles A1, A2 y B1). Si ya conocéis las secuencias AICLE, también impulsadas desde la Consejería de Educación andaluza y comentadas en nuestro blog,  podéis observar la unidad de acción y el complemento que suponen para ellas desde el punto de vista del desarrollo de las competencias plurilingües del alumnado. De nuevo, un trabajo muy rico y enormemente aprovechable.
Podéis acceder a ellas a través del enlace:

viernes, 17 de febrero de 2012

Interactive Grammar of English (iGE)

UCL (University College London) have developed a grammar app for the iPhone 3 and 4, iPod Touch, and iPad: the interactive Grammar of English for everyone with an interest in the grammar of English. iGE uses lots of examples of real language. It has been written by a team of linguists at UCL and comes in two versions:

lunes, 13 de febrero de 2012

Teaching Channel

Teaching Channel is very interesting resource for teacher professional development and lesson planning. It hosts a free, online video library that provides educators with inspirational content, practical tools and resources that are cartgorized by subject and grade level.

viernes, 10 de febrero de 2012


Founded in 2007, Spongelab Interactive is a leader in advancing the integration of cutting edge technologies for teaching and learning purposes. Their mission is to educate students in the sciences by building content-rich immersive teaching tools designed around discovery-based learning that are accessible to educators and learners at school, at home and in the general public. Spongelab Interactive builds their own products and offers custom production services for the global education community. Spongelab is based in Toronto, Ontario, Canada. (source: http://corporate.spongelab.com/main.cfm?thePG=about)

An example. Sponge Lab Biology recently won a National Science Foundation award for the following  interactive activity:

lunes, 6 de febrero de 2012


This website offers free and paid audiobooks that you can listen to online or download. The majority of audiobooks on this site are free as they are public domain works that have been read and recorded by a range of volunteers. The homepage features an advanced search module which allows you to filter by author, genre and price.

jueves, 2 de febrero de 2012

Inscripción y matriculación para pruebas de certificación en las escuelas oficiales de idiomas

RESOLUCIÓN de 20 de enero de 2012, de la Dirección General de Ordenación y Centros Docentes, por la que se establece el proceso de inscripción y matriculación para la realización de la prueba de certificación de nivel básico, de nivel intermedio y de nivel avanzado de las enseñanzas de idiomas de régimen especial en las escuelas oficiales de idiomas de la Comunitat Valenciana correspondiente al curso académico 2011-2012.