jueves, 28 de junio de 2012

Power Searching with Google

Power Searching with Google is a free online, community-based course showcasing search techniques and how to use them to solve real, everyday problems. It features:

- Six 50-minute classes.
- Interactive activities to practice new skills.
- Opportunities to connect with others using Google Groups, Google+, and Hangouts on Air.
- Upon passing the post-course assessment, a printable Certificate of Completion will be emailed to you.

Registration is open from June 26, 2012 to July 16, 2012. New classes will become available Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday starting on July 10, 2012 and ending on July 19, 2012. Course-related activities will end on July 23, 2012.

Source (information and registration):

lunes, 25 de junio de 2012


Attitudes towards mulitlingualism in Spain.
European and their languages. Special Eurobarometer 386. Report. Publication: June 2012.

martes, 19 de junio de 2012


ReadWriteThink (RWT) is a web, the mission of which is to provide educators, parents, and afterschool professionals with access to the highest quality practices in reading and language arts instruction by offering the very best in free materials.
Its partners are IRA (International Reading Association, an organization dedicated to improving the quality of reading instruction), NCTE (National Council of Teachers of English, a membership organization dedicated to improving the teaching and learning of English and the language arts at all levels of education) and the Verizon Foundation, Verizon Thinkfinity.

RWT publishes classroom materials (you can explore them by grade), parent and afterschool resources and information, events and guides for professional development.

lunes, 18 de junio de 2012

VIII Escuela de Verano de Almagro: La escuela y el bilingüismo. AICLE: ¿realidad o ficción?

Estas Jornadas tienen como objetivo y debatir los diferentes enfoques del aprendizaje integrado de contenidos y lenguas extranjeras (AICLE) en el territorio español, valorar los resultados hasta la fecha y reflexionar sobre sus perspectivas de futuro. Se estructurarán a través de cuatro conferencias plenarias y de ámbitos de estudio desarrollados en paralelo.
Las jornadas tendrán lugar en Almagro, del 16 al 18 de julio de 2012, en el Palacio Condes de Valparaíso.
El plazo para las solicitudes terminará el 9 de julio. (Las plazas son limitadas)
El precio de la inscripción (consultar extras incluidos) es de 45 euros.

Información completa:

viernes, 15 de junio de 2012

Domenec Perramon's CLIL Blog

The aim of this blog is to serve as a virtual place where all the teachers involved in the CLIL Program at the IES Domenec Perramon (Arenys de Munt) can find resources for their subjects and can see what their colleagues from other departments are doing. The blog also offers an opportunity to share and post all the ideas, exercises, lessons, etc. related to CLIL.

jueves, 7 de junio de 2012

Discovery Education

Discovery Education offers a breadth and depth of digital media content. These free classroom resources complement and extend learning beyond the bell, engaging students and giving them a chance to experience people, places and events. It also offers an opportunity for them to take charge of their own learning with high quality, engaging, relevant tools. It includes programs and contests, interactive games, puzzles, lesson plans, videos and more. (Source: Discovery Education)

martes, 5 de junio de 2012

Physics Games.net

Online physics-based games for your web or your blog. You can embed them into your webs or blogs by copying and pasting code. 
An example: