lunes, 29 de abril de 2013

Somos finalistas de la VII Edición del Premio Edublogs

Somos finalistas en la edición de este año del Premio Edublogs de Espiral en la categoría de Blogs de reflexión educativa.

Muchas gracias a todas las personas que seguís este blog y a los compañeros y compañera del CEFIRE de Elda por el apoyo que han dado a la asesoría de ámbito lingüístico para emprender y continuar durante varios años este trabajo junto a los demás blogs de nuestro centro: Linguelda, Coeduelda e InfaneldaEstar en la lista de finalistas supone una gran satisfacción por el reconocimiento a lo que hacemos. 

Felicidades a los demás blogs finalistas en la categoría y en el resto de categorías y en general a los blogs participantes porque su labor, sean finalistas o no, nos hace mejores docentes a todos y todas y repercute positivamente en la calidad de la educación de nuestro alumnado.

Una de las utilidades de este Premio, es dar a conocer buenas prácticas. Aprovecharé la entrada para reflejar algunas de ellas entre los blogs finalistas que se refieren también a la lengua inglesa. Que las disfrutéis:

Dep. de inglés del IES Ventura Rodríguez

jueves, 25 de abril de 2013


Spotlight is a daily 15 minute English language radio program. It is made for people who are learning English, or use it as a second language. It uses a special English method of broadcasting called Spezialized English. This makes Spotlight easier for many people to understand, no matter where in the world they live. 

Specialized English is a controlled version of the English language used for radio broadcasting, easier for non-native speakers of English. It is derived from Voice of America (VoA) Special English. Spotlight uses a vocabulary of 1,500 words, shorter sentences and a slower rate of speech (about 90 words per minute, or half the normal speaking speed). 

Scripts and audio are also available.

It is a resource that we can use in a lesson but it is not itself a lesson; it is not graded to a particular level of difficulty, and it does not introduce language concepts progressively.

martes, 23 de abril de 2013

Shaping the Way We Teach English

Shaping the Way We Teach English is an awesome video-based training resource for English language educators. It is free and accessible through The Online Language Center of the University of Oregon and it includes about 10 minutes long videos (one for each of the 14 modules), transcripts, and recommended supplementary web based reading.

You can see teachers from around the world working with their classes and share their experieces about the way they teach.

jueves, 18 de abril de 2013


Si buscas aprender inglés y practicar tus conocimientos en esta lengua, Nulu te ofrece la posibilidad de hacerlo a través de la lectura y escucha de noticias de actualidad. Puede utilizarse de manera gratuita mediante registro o por medio de nuestra cuenta de Facebook. 

Nulu (Español)

martes, 16 de abril de 2013

English News in Levels

English News in Levels helps students learn and understand English naturally and fast by reading and listening to news. They offer three levels (beginner, intermediate and advanced). Easy English news reading and listening is used in the first two levels. You can also download and share the audio. 

This resource repeats the same words in one level again and again. So, when you read and listen to their news every day, after some time, you will understand all the words in one level. Then it is time for you to go one level higher and do the same. 

miércoles, 10 de abril de 2013

Privacy Playground: The Adventures of the Three Cyber Pigs

This resource is aimed at ages 5 to 9 to learn about cyberbullying, advertising, and online predators. 

It is a good resource to work through as a class to have discussions and answer questions. 

There are two stories. The first adventure focuses on online predators (the Big Bad Wolf) and the second adventure is about cyberbullying. There are teachers' resource guides available as well.

lunes, 8 de abril de 2013

Successful English

Clear explanations and practical suggestions for better English Website for intermediate and advanced English learners. 

If English is your second language, Successful English is a good place to find clear explanations and practical suggestions for improving it. Warren Ediger, an adult ESL specialist and former college and university instructor, created Successful English in 2006. 

jueves, 4 de abril de 2013

Englisch Hilfen. Learning English Online

On this site you can learn English words, practise grammar with hundreds of interactive online exercises, look at some basic rules, prepare for exams, do tests or just have fun playing games. You can also download printable worksheets (pdf files) or join their English Forum to discuss special questions about the English language.

martes, 2 de abril de 2013

World Dynamo

If you are trying to expand your vocabulary or your students' vocabulary in all topics, World Dynamo (by is a very good choice. This app is a great tool to help educate children and challenge their vocabulary. You can choose several topics or grade levels and use it as a test preparation material or just for fun.