viernes, 28 de junio de 2013

Comics English

The use of comics in education is based on the concept of creating engagement and motivation for students. 

Comics can help you learn or teach English. They are authentic material. They tend to be funny and they provide the visual context of the words that are used. As comics are generally situated in time and place, they also provide an opportunity for EFL learners to learn and discover other cultures.

This webpage constitutes a good  example of the use of comics in the EFL/ESL. English learners will find various comic strips, vocabulary, and explanation to understand them more easily (context, language feature...):

jueves, 20 de junio de 2013

Newsela. Building reading comprehension

Newsela is an innovative way for students to build reading comprehension with nonfiction texts (daily news). It builds close reading and critical thinking skills.

Newsela automatically gives each student the version of an article that's just right for his or her reading ability. And an easier or harder version of each article is just a click away.

Articles are accompanied by Common Core-aligned quizzes to provide quick and powerful feedback. You'll always know whether your students are on track and where they're falling short. Newsela makes it easy to assign articles, review student quizzes and track Common Core mastery.

(Source Newsela)

miércoles, 19 de junio de 2013


DOGO means "young" or "small" in Swahili.

DOGOnews is a leading source for current events, news and non-fictional articles for kids and teachers. It provides content in the following areas:

NEWS - Fun and inspiring current events and news from all around the world. Written for and in some cases by children.
SITES - A destination to discover the best and most appropriate websites for kids.
MAPS – A fun and interactive way for our younger readers to read news headlines geotagged on a world map.

Also for teachers:
Teacher Resources from DOGOnews

jueves, 13 de junio de 2013


New and engaging mobile phone game from Cambridge University and Matmi, one of the UK's leading digital games agencies.

Funland invites players to take part in a range of classic fairground games which are designed to help children practise their reading and listening skills in English. Funland combines gaming skills with language learning in a highly entertaining and interactive way. Tasks are specially designed to cover levels A1–B1 of the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages (CEFR).

Funland is available on the App Store and Google Play to download for free:

martes, 11 de junio de 2013

Jornada de Inglés e Infantil: Herramientas para el aula

Fecha: 4 de julio de 2013
Lugar: Sala de Actos de la Conselleria de Educación, Cultura y Deporte. (Av. Campanar, 32 - Valencia)
Plazas: 200

Hacer constar en el formulario de inscripción en "Observaciones" las prioridades de selección y enviar por correo electrónico como adjunto (escaneado en formato pdf) los documentos que acrediten las siguientes condiciones (nivel de inglés, intervención en infantil con un certificado de la dirección del centro, situación administrativa en el caso de los centros concertados también con un certificado de la dirección del centro) a hasta el 23 de junio.

Profesorado funcionario de carrera y con plaza fija en centros concertados que sea:
1. Profesorado de educación infantil de los centros experimentales plurilingües.
2. Profesorado de educación infantil con nivel B2 de inglés.
3. Profesorado de inglés de educación primaria que interviene en infantil.
4. Profesorado de educación infantil con nivel B1 de inglés.

Profesorado interino que sea:
1. Profesorado de educación infantil de los centros experimentales plurilingües.
2. Profesorado de educación infantil con nivel B2 de inglés.
3. Profesorado de inglés de educación primaria que interviene en infantil.
4. Profesorado de educación infantil con nivel B1 de inglés.

Inscripción: del 4 al 23 de junio (ambos incluidos). Formulario de inscripción
Fin de confirmación: 2 de julio

Ponencias sobre métodos fónicos, unidades por proyectos y recursos y experiencias.

Más información:

miércoles, 5 de junio de 2013


The Government of Alberta (Canada) has developed and maintains this website to help children and teens find helpful information about safe and responsible Internet usage. It contains links to other websites that offer useful and relevant information about this topic.

lunes, 3 de junio de 2013

Games for Change

Founded in 2004, Games for Change facilitates the creation and distribution of social impact games that serve as critical tools in humanitarian and educational efforts. It curates digital and non-digital games that egage contemporary social issues in a meaningful way.

Unlike the commercial gaming industry, Games for Change aims to leverage entertainment and engagement for social good.