martes, 29 de abril de 2014

The Yellow Pencil

Página de Elena Pérez Calderón que ofrece actividades y recursos básicos para que niños y niñas aprendan inglés. Contiene algunas secciones como: gramática, vocabulario, canciones, ejercicios, colorear, vídeos y chuletas imprimibles. 

También facilita una búsqueda temática que puede resultar interesante a la hora de trabajar concretamente ciertos contenidos.

En YouTube podéis visitar su propio canal:
En Facebook:
En Twitter:

martes, 22 de abril de 2014

Science Budies

Science Budies is a non-profit organization that provides a website of free science fair productivity tools and mentoring to support K-12 students in science and engineering research projects, especially for science fairs. Founded in 2001 by engineer and high-tech businessman, Kenneth_Hess, Science Buddies features Project Ideas, Topic Selection Wizard, Project Guide, Teacher Resources, Ask an Expert, and Career Information. 
(Source Wikipedia)

Also on Pinterest:

jueves, 17 de abril de 2014

Easter Activities on Pinterest

Easter is the time for holidays, festivals and a time for giving chocolate Easter eggs but Easter means much more... It gives us an opportunity to learn and to share our experiences. To illustrate it, here are some examples of Easter activities for kids, Easter crafts, stories, worksheets, games, etc. on Pinterest:

martes, 15 de abril de 2014

Project Britain

All about British life and culture by Mandy Barrow. Over 30,000 pages on Britain: history, daily life, food, tourism, traditions, folklore, sport, government, education...

More about Project Britain:

jueves, 10 de abril de 2014

6 Minute English

Learn and practise useful English language for everyday situations with this fantastic collection of podcasts provided by the BBC. Each programme is six minutes long and contains examples and explanations to help you improve your knowledge of the English language across a wide range of topics. 

miércoles, 2 de abril de 2014

Wide Angle: Window into Global History

WideAngle is a significant initiative produced by the LAB@Thirteen, Thirteen/ WNET New York's Educational and Community Outreach department. The project is designed to support the teaching and learning of Global History in high schools. The site cormprises a range of standards-based film resources as a compelling supplement to existing curricula.

WideAngle provides lesson plans for teachers and downloadable film clips, grouped by teaching theme and by location.

martes, 1 de abril de 2014

Boundless Writing Open Textbook

Boundless, an organization that creates affordable and effective online textbooks and learning tools, offers a freely available Writing textbook based off of openly available educational resources. 

The Boundless Writing Textbook is published under the Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike (CC BY-SA)license, which means anyone is welcome to quote, mashup, reuse, and republish any portion of this book, anywhere, so long as proper citation is given.

Writing Open Textbook online: