miércoles, 24 de septiembre de 2014

Math Ideas

Awesome Pinterest board by Sue Hills for Math teachers and elementary students with creative and innovative ideas to teach and to learn. It provides hundreds of pins with a wide variety of  activities, games, links, printables...

lunes, 22 de septiembre de 2014

Science is fun

The master of chemical demonstrations and science policy advocate, University of Wisconsin-Madison Chemistry Professor Bassam Z. Shakhashiri, shares the fun of science through home science activities, public presentations, scholarship, and other programs of the Wisconsin Initiative for Science Literacy.

miércoles, 17 de septiembre de 2014

e-learning for Kids (EFK)

e-learning for Kids (EFK) is a non-profit organization (entirely funded by the donations of sponsors, organizantions and individuals) which designs and provides quality courseware education to children around the world.

The design and development of courses are guided by learning topics which are part of the International Baccalaureate curriculum which is used in 138 countries. In addition to this, they have developed a number of courses (there is also an offline version of its courseware) that supplement a typical primary school curriculum.

Hundreds of attractive resources on Math, Science, Environmental Skills, Computer Skills, Health, Language Arts and Life Skills are available.

lunes, 15 de septiembre de 2014

Seomra Ranga (Classroom)

The Seomra Ranga website was set up in September 2007 by Damien M. Quinn, a practising primary school teacher with many years of teaching experience.

Since then the site provides educational resources and makes them available to teachers. The resources on the site remain the copyright of Seomra Ranga. They are free for teachers to download for their personal or classroom use only and they are asked to respect this copyright.

You can find here many resources related to English language:

On this amazing site different types of resources are available: PowerPoint files, posters, lesson plans, videos... You can also share here your own resources.

viernes, 12 de septiembre de 2014


The purpose of EnglishTenses.com is to help support ESL students to be successful in studying verb tenses. The explanation of each tense includes uses, examples, animatiosns, forms and exercises to check your understanding. A very useful guide to learn and teach about verb tenses.

English related WebQuests on Zunal

Zunal is a web-based software for creating WebQuests. It makes the creation process simple (in a short time and without writing any HTML codes). It also offers public URL for WebQuests grouped by topic.

Here you have some English and Language Arts related Webquests:

viernes, 5 de septiembre de 2014

CNN Student News

CNN Student News is a ten-minute, commercial-free, daily news program designed for middle and high school classes. It is produced by the journalists at CNN. This award-winning show and its companion website are available free of charge throughout the school year.

The show is available Monday through Friday during the school year. The program is free and accessible to anyone who wants to watch; there are no subscription charges, sign-ups, or contracts to complete.

Videos are available and downloadable as free podcasts on this website:

jueves, 4 de septiembre de 2014

Oferta formativa del CEFIRE. Inglés

Imagen. Dibujo original de Vladi Monzó. Conserje del CEFIRE de Elda.
Inauguramos el blog por lo que se refiere al curso 2014-2015. 

En primer lugar esperamos que la vuelta a la actividad esté siendo positiva, a pesar del calor y que hayáis disfrutado de las vacaciones y recargado las pilas para el curso que se pone en marcha.

En segundo lugar, tenemos bastante interés en recordaros un par de actividades de formación en el ámbito del inglés, aparte de aquellas sobre competencia lingüística de alguna forma centralizadas a través del Servicio de Formación del Profesorado y que tendrán lugar en las distintas Escuelas Oficiales de Idiomas.

La primera de estas acciones está orientada hacia el profesorado de infantil y consistirá en unas jornadas desarrolladas en Alcoi que intentarán reproducir los contenidos de las ya realizadas en Elda a principio del curso pasado. Estas contaron con una gran acogida y mucha gente expresó el deseo de repetir la experiencia en otras localidades del ámbito del CEFIRE. Tienen el código 14EL76EI268 y se denominan Recursos i propostes per a treballar l'anglés en infantil y tendrán lugar entre los días 21 y 23 de octubre de 2014.

El segundo curso, semipresencial, se titula Elaboració de materials AICLE. Educació Primaria y supondrá un acercamiento a la metodología y los recursos enfocado directamente a la elaboración de unidades didácticas AICLE para Ciencias Sociales, Ciencias Naturales, Educación Física y Educación Artística. El código del curso es 14EL76IN285.

Ambas propuestas todavía cuentan con plazas libres. Os invitamos a que os informéis sobre ellas en nuestra página y os inscribáis si las consideráis de interés.