viernes, 31 de octubre de 2014

Useful Expressions in English

List of commonly used English expressions available for free to beginners up to advanced users by IH Bristol. 

Expressions to use in speaking and writing and how to use them properly.

jueves, 30 de octubre de 2014 Halloween

Enjoy Halloween at your school on songs, games, ideas, lesson plans and resources to help you make Halloween fun and educational.

viernes, 24 de octubre de 2014


Very interesting collection with hundreds of structured and organized videos, tagged by educational standards and wrapped in interactive tools. You can also assign video lessons to your students and follow their progress and viewing habits.

jueves, 23 de octubre de 2014

Recursos y propuestas para trabajar el inglés en infantil

Desde el pasado martes y hasta hoy se celebran en el CEIP El Romeral de Alcoi las jornadas Recursos y propuestas para trabajar el inglés en infantil.

La primera sesión estuvo protagonizada por Daniel Verdú, maestro del CEIP Doctor Calatayud de Aspe y por Isabel Coloma, del CEIP Costa Blanca de Alicante. Daniel ofreció una conferencia dinámica que desde un marco teórico propuso y ejemplificó numerosas actividades para motivar, enseñar y aprender inglés en edades tempranas. Isabel abordó el tema de la conciencia fonológica y el camino hacia la lectoescritura y aportó su amplia experiencia en la gestión de la clase de inglés de infantil.

Durante la segunda jornada contamos con Daniel Martínez, del CEIP Alfonso X de Novelda y con Jenny Davidson, estudiante de Filología hispánica y catalana de la Universidad de Sheffield y lectora de infantil en dicho colegio. Daniel cuestionó a las y los participantes a través de su reflexión sobre modelos de aprendizaje y adquisición de lenguas extranjeras. Se ofrecieron interesantes pistas para conseguir libros en inglés y recursos efectivos para la motivación y el comportamiento adecuado en el aula como Class Dojo además de algunos otros recursos interesantes: El blog de Espe,, etc. Jenny comentó su experiencia como lectora y algunas diferencias entre los sistemas educativos en Inglaterra y en la Comunidad Valenciana.

El último día participaremos como ponentes Juan Rubio del Colegio Sagrada Familia de Elda y yo desde mi asesoría de plurilingüismo del CEFIRE de Elda. Por mi parte, presentaré algunos de los recursos interesantes para el profesorado de inglés de infantil que pueden encontrarse en la red, muchos reflejados en este blog, y Juan, después de sentar unos fundamentos y directrices sobre el aprendizaje del inglés en la etapa, mostrará diversos aspectos de su práctica en el aula.

domingo, 19 de octubre de 2014 by Woodward was created by Woodward Chile. The purpose of this site is to help English language students from around the world to improve their English for free.

It includes the following categories:

- Grammar rules.
- Grammar games.
- Student section (with notes, games, printable English exercises...).
- Teacher section (The resources are quite limited and not always free)
- Useful resources.
- English vocabulary.

On Twitter: 
On Facebook: 
On Pinterest:

jueves, 16 de octubre de 2014

Arcademic Skill Builders

Originally born as a side project in the research department of the University of Kansas School of Education, Arcademic Skill Builders are online educational video games that offer a powerful approach to learning basic math, language arts, vocabulary and thinking skills.

You can browse games by subject of by grade.

Also available
on Itunes: 

on Google Play: 

viernes, 10 de octubre de 2014


Historypin is a way for millions of people to come together, from across different generations, cultures and places, to share small glimpses of the past and to build up the huge story of human history. It has been developed by the not-for-profit company We Are What We Do, in partnership with Google. 

Historypin is made up of photographic images, videos, audio clips and descriptive and narrative text.Photographic images can be pinned directly to the Historypin map by users. These images can be of any location - outdoors or indoors - at any time in the past. Some of these images, if they are taken outdoors, at street level and at certain angles, will be able to be layered onto Street View (this is a bonus, not a requirement). Audio and video content can be pinned to the map by users. These should be pinned to the location and date where they were recorded. 

It can be used as a PBL tool to explore time periods, the human experience and the passage of time... or to construct students' own narratives. 

lunes, 6 de octubre de 2014 Education

ARKive is an initiative of Wildscreen, a UK registered charity, and is supported by Wildscreen USA, a non-profit organization based in Washington, DC. Their mission is to use the power of wildlife imagery to inspire the global community to discover, value and protect the natural world.

It offers free education resources for 5-18 year olds which can be used to teach a range of curriculum subjects including science, geography, English and art. Lots of fun educational games, quizzes, activities and examples of educational videos are available on ARKive. Education resources include classroom presentations, activities and teachers’ notes.

miércoles, 1 de octubre de 2014


Lanternfish ESL is maintained by a group of ESL teachers in Asia and North America. Their aim is to bring printable quality resources to teachers and parents. Lanternfish is used primarily by ESL and K7 teachers.

This webpage contains printable teaching resources for language arts, TESOL, TEFL and ESL (flashcards, crosswords, worksheets, song sheets, phonics, games and game boards, role-play, cloze activities, grammar, writing and reading skills, communicative and task-based approaches...)

Visit Lanternfish on: