martes, 27 de enero de 2015


MinutePhysics is a series of educational videos created by Henry Reich, an American physicist, mathematician and filmmaker, in 2011 and disseminated through YouTube. Reich's videos include time-lapsed drawing to explain physics-related topics in around one minute.

MinutePhysics is also available to download as a podcast on iTunes:

MinutePhysics on Facebook:
MinutePhysics on Twitter:

Reich has expended his webseries to a second channel named MinuteEarth, where he talks about Earth related facts and phenomena in a similar style to MinutePhysics.  

jueves, 22 de enero de 2015

California Academy of Sciences. Teaching Resources

The California Academy of Sciences is a renowned scientific and educational institution dedicated to exploring, explaining, and sustaining life on Earth.

On its webpage short and lively activities and lesson plans are available.These resources are classified by grade and language and may be helpful in order to develope teaching activities related to the natural sciences.

miércoles, 21 de enero de 2015

Encyclopedia of Life

The Encyclopedia of Life provides information about life on Earth. EOL is an awesome resource for text, images, video, sounds, maps, classifications and more, all freely available online. Users can create collections, start and join communities and share their stuff.

martes, 13 de enero de 2015

English Lesson Plan

Lesson plans for ESL/ EFL students (from level A1 to level B2 CEFR) by Emily Kruszewska, categorized according to language level, learner, activity, time, topic and materials and providing comprehensive information about their implementation in the classroom.

Lesson plans are based on YouTube videos which relate to English culture, English grammar, life skills, leisure...

lunes, 12 de enero de 2015

Conselleria convoca 10.000 plazas de inglés online para docentes

La Conselleria de Educación, Cultura y Deporte abrirá durante esta semana el plazo para solicitar la realización de cursos online de inglés dirigidos al personal docente no universitario con el fin de apoyar su formación y competencia en este idioma. 

Se trata de 10.000 plazas incluidas en el Programa de Formación en Lenguas Extranjeras que podrá solicitar tanto el profesorado con destino en centros educativos sostenidos con fondos públicos, como el profesorado interino e inscrito en la bolsa de trabajo de la Conselleria. 

Tendrán prioridad para acceder a la formación en esta lengua extranjera los docentes de Educación Infantil así como el profesorado de Formación Profesional y aquellos docentes que ya hubieran comenzado sus estudios de inglés el curso pasado. 

Los cursos de formación permanente a distancia, que podrán solicitarse durante el mes de enero a través de la web de la Conselleria, ofrecerán desde el nivel A1 hasta el nivel C2 del Marco Europeo Común de Referencia para las Lenguas (MECR) y se llevarán a cabo entre el 16 de febrero y el 31 de diciembre. 

El curso se iniciará con un test que permitirá conocer los conocimientos del alumno y ubicarlo en el nivel que le corresponda. Cada curso constará de dos módulos que se realizarán de febrero a junio y de julio a diciembre, y cada uno de ellos será equivalente a 60 horas de formación. 

jueves, 8 de enero de 2015

Tripppin is a platform that connects online and offline activities in a story around the world.
It’s been designed to complement English courses everywhere, from a low intermediate level to advanced.

What if learning were a trip? Find out for yourself on: on Twitter:

miércoles, 7 de enero de 2015


Tackk is a simple tool that allows you to instantly create and share your content on the web. It is almost like designing a one-page website. What is most interesting is the fact that no design skill is required. You can personalize the look of your content, add tags, upload pictures, paste a link to a video, embed songs... 

To create a Tackk page you do not need to register for an account, but unregistered Tackk pages expire after one week. Free registration allows multiple Tackks.

Some ways to use Tackk in the classroom

Tackk tutorial on YouTube:

domingo, 4 de enero de 2015

How languages evolve

There are currently about 6000 languages, some spoken by millions, some by only a few people. How do they evolve? Evolutionary linguistics has studied both the origins and development of language inspired by the natural sciences.

In this four-minute video Alex Gendler explains how linguists group and study languages and language families.

You can view the full lesson with activities and extra resources on: