jueves, 31 de marzo de 2016

Cram. Online flashcards

Flashcards can be fun and effective when learning a foreign language. They are great resources to study, memorize and test yourself. There are many ways of using them both with individuals and groups. On the benefits of flashcards in learning:

The internet is a great source of flashcards. You'll find many places on the web that offer them, for example, Cram.

Cram, originally called Flashcard Exchange was founded in January 2001. Since that time, the site has grown into the largest online source of flashcards and a thriving community of educators, students, and all types of enthusiastic learners.

You can also find other mobile flashcards for your Android or iPhone device:

Web site:

Cram (Tag: English)

martes, 29 de marzo de 2016

Ask Smithsonian

Founded in 1846, the Smithsonian is the world's largest museum and research complex, consisting of 19 museums and galleries, the National Zoological Park, and several research facilities.

Ask Smithsonian is a part of Smithsonian website which provides a collection of educational videos for common questions about History, Science, Nature, etc. Each of them is answered with the help of interactive and funny videos. All the videos range from 60-80 seconds in length.

jueves, 24 de marzo de 2016

Teachers TryScience

Teachers TryScience is a collaborative web site developed by the New York Hall of Science, IBM Corporation and teachengineering.org to bring best practices in design-based learning to schools in order to challenge students to engineer solutions through their knowledge of Science, Technology, Engineering an Math (STEM)

It provides elementary school students with a collection of free and engaging lessons and science activities. You can browse them by topic, by age and by estimated time required.

lunes, 21 de marzo de 2016


Comprehensive collection of educational video clips and games (quizz games, puzzles, vocabulary…) for kids that are in grades kindergarten through 12th grade, covering the subjects of science, math, health, social studies and Engilish.

All videos and lessons linked are safe for kids and have been reviewed by teachers. They can be viewed on other sites but it is easier to find them here.

Access to some of their items require a paid subscription.

Good stuff to make lessons more exciting and visual.

jueves, 17 de marzo de 2016

Arcademic Skill Builders

Online educational video games, originally born as a side project in the research department of the University of Kansas School of Education.

A very useful approach to learning basic math, language arts, vocabulary and thinking skills and an engaging way to let your students enjoy and practice a skill at the same time.

Also available on GooglePlay as an Android App:

lunes, 14 de marzo de 2016

Happy Pi Day

Pi Day is an annual celebration of the mathematical constant pi π in the US. Pi Day is observed on March 14 (3/14) since 3, 1, and 4 are the first three significant digits of π. 

The earliest known official or large-scale celebration of Pi Day was organized by Larry Shaw in 1988 at the San Francisco Exploratorium

Pi Day can be celebrated in a number of ways, most commonly by eating pies, discussing its significance, holding math quizzes etc.

Some ideas and resources to celebrate Pi Day in English:

domingo, 13 de marzo de 2016

Learners TV

LearnersTV is a non-commercial and free to use web service that offers video lectures, animations, online tests, audio lectures, etc. on a variety of subjects and topics including biology, chemistry, physics, mathematics, statistics, computer science, medicine, dentistry, engineering, accounting, and management. Once students click on a subject and a topic, they are shown a list of clearly ordered and labeled lectures.

Materials may be used by individuals, institutions, governments, corporations, or other business whether for-profit or non-profit so long as the use itself is not a commercialization of the materials or a use that is directly intended to generate sales or profit.

miércoles, 9 de marzo de 2016

Longreads. Sharing the best storytelling

Longreads, founded in 2009, is dedicated to helping people find and share the best storytelling in the world. Longreads features nonfiction and fiction over 1,500 words, and many of the stories come from their community’s recommendations. You can explore stories by topic.

Longreads Editors’ Picks, Exclusives and Originals are free for everyone even if he or she is not a Longsreads member. Nevertheless, the Longreads Membership is reader-funded storytelling. That means every dollar you contribute goes into a giant story fund to pay for original journalism, short fiction, and exclusive essays and book excerpts from the best writers and publishers in the world.

(Source Longreads FAQ and About Us)

Longreads & Social Networks.

jueves, 3 de marzo de 2016


Wizer.me is a free simple and quick online tool that allows teachers to create their own interactive worksheets. To begin using this tool, you need to create a free account.

The following video shows how to start creating worksheets by adding relevant materials and customize them to your needs. You can use different types of activities or tasks to make as many worksheets as you like.