domingo, 28 de marzo de 2021

Englicious English Language Resources for Schools

Englicious is an entirely free online library of original English language teaching resources, especially grammar. It contains lessons plans, exercises, videos, and other resources relevant for KS1-KS5 students and teachers. It is also interesting for ESL/EFL teachers and students.


sábado, 27 de marzo de 2021

Creativity in the English language classroom

This volume, edited by Alan Maley and Nik Peachey,  mixes contributions on various aspects of creativity in language learning and teaching. They arose from discussions at the Internacional Association of Teachers of English as a Foreign Language Conference in Harrogate in 2014.

You can download this resource on: 

viernes, 19 de marzo de 2021

Joseph Coelho. Understanding Poetry

In this resource for primary school English teachers, Joseph Coelho explains various aspects of poetry such as its possibilities for understanding one's emotions and thoughts, the rhythm, the play with words and its connection to music and image. 

You can find it on: 

You can also visit Joseph Coelho’s YouTube Channel on: 

World Poetry Day

World Poetry Day is celebrated on 21 March. It was declared by UNESCO in 1999 “with the aim of supporting linguistic diversity through poetic expression and increasing the opportunity for endangered languages to be heard”.

For more information about this celebration: 

Resource. Reading and writing poetry: the recommendations of noted poets from many lands on the teaching of poetry in secondary schools (Also available in Spanish and French)

domingo, 14 de marzo de 2021

History Teachers

On this YouTube Channel you can find famous historical events and figures adapted to famous songs. 

This project has been developed since the early 2000’s by Amy Burvall and Herb Mahelona, two teachers of History from Hawaii. 

sábado, 13 de marzo de 2021 by Bob Wilson is an amazing resource of free English material for ESL/EFL students and teachers by Bob Wilson, an English teacher in Spain. The website offers grammar and vocabulary exercises and teaching resources for teachers such as class planning, flashcards, games, and tests. Many activities and exercises focus on Spanish speaking English learners.


YouTube Channel 

Introduction to the YouTube Channel

sábado, 6 de marzo de 2021

An Alphabet Game via @tistaramos

Game created using by Bautista Ramos @tistaramos. It is based on a template by @sandboxeduca.

The contestants compete to answer sets of questions, whose answers each start with a different letter from A to Z in order. 

It focuses on the celebration of International Women's Day and the contributions of different women throughout history in the most diverse fields of knowledge.

viernes, 5 de marzo de 2021

English as a foreign language. ESO and Bachillerato's #Kahoot

Pedro Civera, compañero en el CEFIRE de Elda durante muchos años y actualmente en el IES Azorín, me hace llegar este pequeño gran regalo con el propósito de darle difusión y que pueda serviros en la clase de inglés en vuestros centros.

Mente inquieta donde las haya, en los últimos tiempos se ha adentrado en el mundo Kahoot! y ha emprendido numerosas iniciativas educativas que han utilizado esta herramienta tanto para dar a conocer la cultura local como para el aprendizaje y la práctica del inglés, lengua de la que es docente en nuestro centro.

Espero que os resulte útil. Podéis acceder a esta colección de recursos desde: