domingo, 30 de enero de 2022

School Day of Non-violence and Peace. Martin Luther King

The School Day of Non-violence and Peace (Dia Escolar de la No-violència i la Pau) was founded by the Spanish poet Llorenç Vidal in 1964 as support for a pacifying and non-violent eucation. This day is observed on January 30 every year, on the anniversary of the death of Mahatma Gandhi in schools all over the world. 

To celebrate it in your English class you can use this video about the life of Martin Luther King, a reference of the non-violent struggle for the achievement of human rights.

sábado, 29 de enero de 2022

Recursos educativos abiertos y redes docentes para Inglés y AICLE

Video emitido en directo el 26 de enero de 2022 que presenta los recursos educativos abiertos (REA) del proyecto EDIA como materiales accesibles de gran utilidad a través de sus propuestas basadas en metodologías activas, referenciadas curricularmente y pautadas y completadas con todos los elementos necesarios para su puesta en marcha y su evaluación en la asignatura de Inglés.

En el webinar toman parte Leo Boix, estimado excompañero en la red de CEFIRE, Domingo Chica, Javier Ramos y Laura Pérez.

Si no lo visteis en su día, podéis acceder a él en: 

domingo, 23 de enero de 2022

WikiKahoot #Recursos a través de juegos

Esta página ha servido de vehículo a una proyecto de acompañamiento digital nacido de la iniciativa de los centros educativos de secundaria de Petrer, el IES Azorín, el IES la Canal y el IES Poeta Paco Mollá y muestra el trabajo resultante de la gamificación de contenidos de diferentes etapas educativas por medio de Kahoot. Así mismo, ofrece la posibilidad de colaborar al profesorado, facilitando la creación de nuevos recursos.

La página principal permite acceder a juegos relativos a una gran número de áreas y niveles. 

Merece destacarse por su número, la cantidad de juegos en inglés o para el aprendizaje de esta lengua.

Story Starters

Story Starters is a section of the site consisting of a virtual machine that provides students with randomly selected themes for writing assignments from general fiction to adventure, fantasy, and sicence fiction. 

Find it on:

sábado, 15 de enero de 2022

Youngzine #ClimateScience

Youngzine is an unique news site for young people that focuses on climate science, solutions, and policies to address the myriad effects of global warming. Its mission is to bridge the gap between the classroom and the real world by providing a platform for young people to learn, explore and discover their role as global citizens.

Kids have an opportunity to express their views and literary creativity by submitting poetry or essays.


Created by the National Center for Families Learning (NCFL) in 2010, Wonderopolis has become one of the most popular education sites. 

Every day it posts a new standard-based article exploring intriguing questions, and covering a vast range of topics.

Wonderopolis is a place where curiosity and imagination lead to exploration and discovery in learners of all ages.

Fiind it on:

viernes, 7 de enero de 2022

How many verb tenses are there in English?

Lesson by Anna Ananichuk, directed by Luke Rotzler. 

Anna Ananichuk explains how thanks to something called grammatical aspect, each of these time periods (present, past, and future) actually divides further. 

Full lesson on TEDEd:

martes, 4 de enero de 2022

All about #bats

This resource has been produced by the Bat Conservation Trust, the leading non-governmental organisation in the United Kingdom solely devoted to the conservation of bats and the landscapes on which they rely. 

This pack consists of a series of themed sheets, tailored to inform students about bats and bat conservation science, and to enrich and expand curricular opportunities. 

It includes additional teacher’s notes and activities relevant to each theme. 

Find it on: