domingo, 29 de mayo de 2022 is a free online resource of original mathematical puzzles, games and unsolved problems for K-12 teachers. 

Its puzzles are organized by grade and subject – each designed for a 45-60 minute period. is also a practical resource for teachers. Its puzzles and games engage students in problem solving.

It is supported by the American Institute of Mathematics.


A Maths Dictionary for Kids

A Maths Dictionary for Kids is an online math dictionary for students which explains over 955 common mathematical terms and math words in simple language with definitions, detailed visual examples, and online practice links for some entries. 

It includes 270 free worksheets arranged according to topic (numbers, operations, fractions, decimals, percentages, ratios, algebra, statistics, probability, geometry, measurement, time, money, symbols…) 

sábado, 21 de mayo de 2022

Date and Weather Interactive Chart

This interactive date and weather chart is designed to be used as part of classroom routines. With this interactive tool students can practice saying the date, days of the week and month. Students can select and say what the weather is like as well as describe the temperature.

This tool was designed to be used in both online classes but can also be used with interactive boards. (source ESL Kids Games vía @elcastorcurioso). 

Science Friday

Science Friday is a producer of high quality, fact-checked, and trustworthy science news and educational programming. 

They offer educational and entertaining science experiences through videos, podcasts, digital media, live events, citizen science, K-12 education and professional development, and at-home learning activities for families that directly serve hundreds of thousands of educators, parents, citizen scientists, and lifelong learners every year. 

Science Friday also offers lesson plans, that include links to the national science standards addressed in the lesson. 

domingo, 15 de mayo de 2022

EnglishMaven is an online English language resource designed for grade school (K-12), General Educational Development (GED), English as a Second Language (ESL), and all interested in advancing their knowledge of the English language. 

It offers a large variety of accurate and concise skill building worksheets geared towards a range of ability levels.  No registration is required to access the resources presented on this website. 

sábado, 7 de mayo de 2022


Recurso proporcionado por la Junta de Castilla y León que ofrece un panel a modo de sopa de letras y propone buscar en un tiempo determinado la mayor puntuación, a través de un número más elevado de palabras encontradas y una valoración más alta de cada letra.

Permite la posibilidad de jugar además de en inglés, la primera opción, en alemán, español, francés, italiano y portugués.

Juego de apariencia bastante sencilla pero interesante para la competición.

OER The city of my dreams

This open educational resource is part of the proposal of the Junta de Andalucía to develop OER to support the attention to diversity in the core subjects of non-university education, among others, in the subject of first foreign language: English.

This project corresponds specifically to the primary school stage. However, you can find more resources corresponding to secondary or baccalaureate.

At the end of this OER (REA), the students will create, in pairs or groups of three, a 3D city model using recycled materials. Then, they will use job avatars, to ask and give directions, so that their avatar reaches its workplace.

What are they going to learn?

Be able to recognize and label the main buildings in our 3D city model.

Be able to find information on the internet about towns and cities.

Be able to identify main places in a city, such as public buildings and other facilities.

Be able to identify the professions that are carried out in the main buildings of a city.

Be able to give and ask for information to reach places in a city.

domingo, 1 de mayo de 2022

Nutrients for Life

Nutrients for Life Foundation Canada addresses issues including food security and agricultural sustainability through its educational resources and programs, while working with educators across Canada to ensure its resources meet the needs of teachers and students. 

To validate its pedagogical value, the organization’s educational materials were reviewed by the Smithsonian Institution, the world's largest research organization and museum complex.    

British Council. Teaching resources

Practical resources to use in your classroom, whether you are teaching primary students, secondary students, or adults and business students. There are over 400 full lesson plans to choose from, covering different topics and themes, all organised according to the levels of the Common European Framework of Reference for languages (CEFR).