sábado, 29 de octubre de 2022

Ocean Odyssey Educators Guide

This guide includes 8 elementary school level lessons, inspired by topics from the IMAX film Ocean Odyssey, and many NOAA mission critical areas. Watching the film is not required to carry out any of these lessons, but may enhance students’ learning experience of the topics presented in these activities.

These lessons progress for use from younger to older grade bands, but they all contain aspects and resources which may be adapted for all grade bands. 

(Source Ocean Service NOAA)


En el IES Azorín no te damos calabazas

Un año más el departamento de inglés del IES Azorín ha convocado su tradicional concurso de calabazas en Halloween. Con este motivo, durante la semana se han expuesto los diversos modelos presentados por nuestro alumnado más joven. 

El viernes 28 el jurado ha seleccionado las tres calabazas ganadoras y ha entregado los premios a sus autores y autoras.

Muchas gracias por vuestra participación.

sábado, 22 de octubre de 2022

English in the world today (Free course)

Free course that explores the status of this language and its worldwide diversity. It looks at how social and political factors influence people's attitudes towards it, and at the relationship between one's linguistic heritage and sense of identity. 

Find it on:



Wordtune is an AI powered writing tool that rewrites, rephrases, and rewords your writing. 

Wordtune will rewrite and uplevel your writing whether you have a free or Premium account. 

Without a Premium account, you will not have access to key features such as changing the Tone of your writing from Casual to Formal and expanding/ shortening the length of your paper or article. 

Free accounts have a limited amount of rewrites per day. 

(Source WordTune)


viernes, 7 de octubre de 2022

Old Maps Online

OldMapsOnline began as a collaboration between Klokan Technologies GmbH, Switzerland and The Great Britain Historical GIS Project based at the University of Portsmouth, UK thanks to funding from JISC. 

Since January 2013 is the project improved and maintained by volunteers and the team of Klokan Technologies GmbH in their free time.

OldMapsOnline.org indexes over 400.000 maps.


English Level 1

Libro interactivo para la introducción a la enseñanza de inglés publicado por el Fondo Editorial Pascual Bravo de Medellín (Colombia),

El contenido del libro, al igual que los objetos interactivos se han diseñado de tal forma que se puedan leer en ordenadores y dispositivos móviles sin necesidad de instalar ningún programa. El libro se puede descargar para su uso en local sin dependencia con la red, a excepción de algunos audios incluidos. 

El libro se basa en las historias del personaje ficticio llamado Pascualino y su actividad diaria a través de 11 unidades que lo sitúan en diferentes contextos. En cada una de ellas se ofrece una pequeña evaluación.


sábado, 1 de octubre de 2022

Houses of Parliament

CNN's virtual tour that explores ten aspects of the Houses of Parliament. You can click on the interactive labels or listen to the narrator description. You can also click and drag to explore the entirety of the 360 degree views of each stop in the tour.


The Writer's Workshop

Playlist of twenty-nine TED-Ed video lessons about writing. Correct use of punctuation marks, writing tips, use of irony, style, successful descriptions and narratives, etc. Videos of about five minutes that are very interesting. 

Some of the videos in this playlist are subtitled in Spanish
