domingo, 26 de febrero de 2023

War in Ukraine explained

Friday 24 February marks one year since the beginning of the war in Ukraine. This video of less than 5 minutes explains in a simple way some of the main points to keep in mind regarding this conflict that has reached its first year without a clear resolution in the near future.

Day of European Authors

The Day of European Authors is an initiative of the European Commission, led by Commissioner Gabriel, to reconnect younger generations with book reading and to help them discover the diversity of European literature.

As well as helping youngsters reconnect with books, this yearly celebration aims to show how literature can be a tool for individual empowerment. Books and reading can enable people in secondary education to engage with ongoing social and personal challenges.

The Day is also an opportunity to emphasise the importance of all the programmes and initiatives already running in individual EU countries to promote reading.

The first edition of the Day of European Authors is taking place on 27 March 2023. (Source European Commission)


domingo, 19 de febrero de 2023

Created by Neil M. Goldman, is powerful, free, online software that improves reading, learning, and teaching. It can simplify difficult English, for faster comprehension, teach words, for building a better vocabulary, help teachers save time and produce engaging lessons, and help improve learning outcomes.


The World Stories Project

The World Stories Project is a growing collection of traditional and original stories from around the world shared in the languages most commonly spoken by children in the UK. 

WorldStories is an interactive online resource of illustrated stories shared in many different languages to help children read and learn using the same stories as their peers.

sábado, 11 de febrero de 2023

National Women’s History Museum

Founded in 1996, the National Women’s History Museum (NWHM) is an innovative online museum dedicated to uncovering, interpreting, and celebrating women’s diverse contributions to society. 

The Museum brings to life the countless untold stories of women throughout history, and serves as a space for all to inspire, experience, collaborate, and amplify women’s impact.  (Source:

Visit the National Women’s History Museum on: 

ELI5 #AI Explain as if I had 5

ELI5 uses an AI model called GPG-3. It stands for "explain as if I had 5". 

When people use it online, they ask others to explain a complex or obscure topic in simpler terms. Then, if taken literally, they would explain something in a way that a 5-year-old could understand. 

Some popular ELI5 topics include science, technology, law and economics…

In addition to providing answers, "ELI5" can be used as a source of examples to explain a concept in simple English. 

Visit ELI5 on: 

domingo, 5 de febrero de 2023

Our country Expo #EDIA #English #OER

This project is part of a set of projects entitled 'What a Digital World!' which is based on the curriculum for the 2nd year of compulsory secondary education.

The final challenge of this project is the planning and organization of an Expo to promote tourism in your country.

The following objectives have been considered in the design of this project.

- to learn while working on a project.

- to encourage collaborative work, since most assignments require information sharing and interaction with other students.

- to foster students' self-learning process by using IT resources.

- to reinforce students' communicative skills through activities of listening and reading comprehension, but above all, through tasks in which they must produce their own oral and written messages.

(Source: Our country Expo. Didactic Guidelines


viernes, 3 de febrero de 2023

Ayudas para un curso intensivo de inmersión lingüística en inglés

Se convocan en régimen de concurrencia competitiva un máximo de 2.400 becas para la participación en un programa intensivo de inmersión lingüística en inglés en España en régimen de internado y pensión completa, de una semana de duración, en el mes de julio de 2023.

Serán requisitos necesarios para optar a estas becas:

a) Haber nacido entre el 1 de enero de 2003 y el 31 de diciembre de 2006

b) Estar matriculado en el curso 2022-2023 en cualquier curso de alguno de los siguientes estudios:

- Bachillerato

- Enseñanzas profesionales de música y danza

- Grado medio de Formación Profesional

- Grado medio de artes plásticas y diseño

- Grado medio de enseñanzas deportivas y

- Enseñanzas de idiomas de nivel intermedio o avanzado

c) Haber obtenido en el curso 2022-2023 la condición de becario del Ministerio de Educación y Formación Profesional en alguno de los estudios reseñados en el apartado anterior conforme a la Resolución 10 de marzo de 2022, de la Secretaría de Estado de Educación, por la que se convocan becas de carácter general, para el curso académico 2022-2023, para estudiantes que cursen estudios postobligatorios (BOE del 12 de marzo).

d) Tener aprobadas todas las asignaturas del curso 2021-2022, a fecha de finalización del curso, con una nota final mínima de 9 puntos en la asignatura de inglés. En el caso de solicitantes que estén matriculados en enseñanzas bilingües, pero no hayan cursado la asignatura de inglés como materia individualizada el curso anterior, se tendrá en cuenta la calificación obtenida en la asignatura de inglés de cuarto curso de Educación Secundaria Obligatoria.

e) Estar situado en un lugar del orden de prelación de solicitudes que le permita la obtención de una de las becas convocadas.

El plazo para la presentación de solicitudes finalizará el día 3 de abril de 2023.
