sábado, 24 de febrero de 2024

The European Word Translator

The European Word Translator is like a magic map and translator made by UK Data Explorer. Just type a word or phrase into the search box on the map, and it shows you the translations in different languages all over Europe.

It uses the Google Translate API, but Google Translate isn't always perfect. Still, the map is a cool way to learn about languages and where they're spoken.


Cooperative Learning and the Sustainable Development Goals #SDGs

Cooperative Learning and the Sustainable Development Goals is a helpful book made just for English teachers. It has lesson plans, tips, and teaching ideas to help teachers use cooperative learning in their classrooms and teach students about the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).

Free download on:


domingo, 18 de febrero de 2024

Ayudas para un curso intensivo de inmersión lingüística en inglés. Convocatoria 2024

Ayuda financiera proporcionada por el Ministerio de Educación, Formación Profesional y Deportes. 

Los participantes deben ser alumnos becarios que cumplan con ciertos requisitos, incluyendo haber nacido entre el 1 de enero de 2004 y el 31 de diciembre del 2007, haber sido becarios en el curso 2023-2024 según la Resolución de 15 de marzo de 2023, estar matriculados en estos estudios en el curso 2023/24: Bachillerato, Enseñanzas profesionales de música y danza, Grado medio de Formación Profesional, Grado medio de artes plásticas y diseño, Grado medio de enseñanzas deportivas, Enseñanzas de idiomas de nivel intermedio o avanzado. Las o los solicitantes deberán haber aprobado todas las asignaturas del curso 2022-2023 con una nota mínima de 9,00 en inglés. Tendrán preferencia quienes hayan obtenido una puntuación superior en inglés. Se ofrecen un máximo de 2.400 becas, con un costo compartido entre los beneficiarios y el Ministerio.

Plazo de presentación de solicitudes: 

Desde el 10 de febrero de 2024 a las 00:00

Hasta el 21 de marzo de 2024 a las 15:00

Toda la información en:


Darwin Online

Darwin Online is like the ultimate Darwin hub—it's huge! It's packed with stuff about Darwin, way more than you'd find anywhere else. We're talking about 300,000 pages of searchable text, 230,000 images of pages, 119,500 manuscript scans, 6,000 PDFs, and 18,000 illustrations from books. Plus, you can find Darwin's writings in 29 different languages. They've also got a massive bibliography with 5,500 records and a super detailed catalogue of Darwin's manuscripts, covering 80 different places including institutions and private collections.

And get this, a ton of Darwin's writings have been edited and annotated here for the first time! There are over 10,000 new editorial notes and loads of new introductions. They've even reconstructed the complete libraries from Darwin's Beagle voyage and his personal stash at Down House.

This website is like a treasure trove of Darwin's personal stuff—around 20,000 items! And guess what? They've already transcribed over 9,000 manuscripts. Big shoutout to Cambridge University Library for letting us peek into Darwin's world like never before!

Visit it on:


viernes, 9 de febrero de 2024

Luke's English Podcast

Luke's English Podcast is a popular English language learning podcast hosted by Luke Thompson, an English language teacher, podcaster and comedian from London. 

The podcast covers a wide range of topics, including grammar explanations, vocabulary lessons, pronunciation practice, cultural insights, and interviews with native English speakers. It aims to help English learners improve their language skills in an engaging and enjoyable way.

Find it on:


Also on YouTube:


The Purdue Online Writing Lab

The Purdue Online Writing Lab (OWL) is a comprehensive resource for academic writing and research. It provides free writing assistance, instructional material, and resources to help students, educators, and professionals improve their writing skills. 

The OWL offers guidance on various aspects of writing, including grammar, punctuation, style, research and citation, academic writing genres, and job search writing. It is widely used by universities, colleges, and individuals seeking reliable writing support.


sábado, 3 de febrero de 2024

Word Webs

Word Webs is an interesting tool for generating brainstorming sessions based on words. Each word entered automatically generates new words related to it, facilitating the suggestion of new concepts. New nodes can be created by clicking on a word or separating nodes. It is also possible to save them. 

This is a free project developed by Studio Bros. 

You can access it through this link:


Infinite craft by @nealagarwal

Neal Agarwal is known for creating interactive and creative web experiences. His projects often involve unique and engaging visualizations, animations, and interactive elements. Neal Agarwal has launched what he calls the first version of Infinite Craft, a procrastination game that involves combining elements in pairs to create new ones. Simply drag what is on the right side onto the main screen, overlapping what you want to combine. The fun part is that the effect is cumulative, and the newly created can be recombined to add more and more objects.

Although you start with basic elements like water, fire, and wind, soon others like plants, trees, and sand appear, and gradually, more elaborate and specific versions can be created, such as cacti, flowers, or cigarettes. According to Agarwal himself, there are more than 20,000 combinations.
