miércoles, 28 de agosto de 2013


#ELTchat started in September 2010 when a group of ELT professionals began to use Twitter to discuss topics of their interest. It began with the aim of creating a freely available social network for ELT professionals offering mutual support and opportunities for Continuous Professional Development.

Now, every Wednesday at 12 pm (GMT) and 21.00 pm (GMT), ELT teachers from all over the world log into their Twitter account and for one hour hold an online discussion on a topic they have selected. The conversations can be followed by following the #ELTchat hashtag on Twitter.

Every Saturday, one of the moderators will put up a blog post on the #ELTchat Blog asking teachers who follow #ELTchat to propose some topics for the next chats. #ELTchat followers can go to that post and suggest topics in the comments under the blog post.

On Sunday evening, the moderators review the topics and create an online poll. #ELTchat followers are then invited to vote on the topics until Wednesday morning. Once the poll closes the top two topics become the subjects of the discussions.

After each chat, a transcript is posted on the #ELTchat wiki

Every month, a podcast, featuring an interview with one of their followers, interviews with well-known ELT authors and a quick summary of the past month's #ELTchats on the podcasts page.

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