sábado, 22 de junio de 2024

PLASTEAM #ErasmusPlus project

The project aims to raise awareness among primary school students and teachers about the environmental impact of plastics. It encourages responsible use, consumption, and recycling of plastics to create 'plastic-free schools'. By involving teachers and school managers, the project promotes good practices to reduce waste and improve recycling in primary schools.

Key results and outcomes include:

- Plastic Footprint for Schools: An app to monitor plastic waste habits in schools.

- 'Plastic-free Schools' Recommendations and Contest: Identification of plastic consumption challenges, recommendations for sustainable practices, and a contest rewarding the best STEAM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Arts, Maths) solution to tackle plastic waste.

- STEAM Box and Labs: A set of tools and activities for teachers to use in their lessons.

This initiative serves as an inspiration for similar projects, demonstrating how schools can effectively engage in reducing plastic waste and promoting environmental sustainability.

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Invent, impact, inspire (Learning situations)

In these learning situations, from a service-learning approach, participants will think of ways to make a positive impact on the world while mastering English skills through engaging and interactive activities.

Participants will organize a technology fair at school to showcase useful inventions for the community. They will learn to collect information on local needs by participating in a public forum, write a patent application for their invention, and create a tutorial with instructions on how their invention works. The final task is to present the project at the technology fair, explaining the problem it addresses and its relevance to the community.

The study will include vocabulary about social issues, rules of netiquette, use of comparatives and superlatives, expressing logical relations using connectors of purpose and reason, phrases for giving instructions, and the pronunciation of the final -r.

The project includes three missions and a final challenge, involving individual, pair, and group work.

Participants are encouraged to do their best and enjoy the learning process.


sábado, 15 de junio de 2024

Cooperative Learning and the Sustainable Development Goals

Cooperative Learning and the Sustainable Development Goals is a guidebook for English language teachers. It offers lesson plans, tips, and teaching techniques to help integrate cooperative learning and the SDGs into classrooms.

This practical book provides tools to create collaborative environments, improve language skills, and promote global citizenship through engaging lessons. It's a valuable resource for both experienced and new teachers looking to combine cooperative learning with the SDGs effectively.

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Education and Climate Change: Learning to Act for People and Planet

UNESCO's publication Education and Climate Change: Learning to Act for People and Planet is a comprehensive guide that emphasizes the critical role of education in addressing climate change. It explores how educational systems can integrate climate literacy into their curricula, fostering a generation of informed and proactive individuals. It highlights best practices, case studies, and strategies for empowering students to take meaningful action for environmental sustainability. 

This publication is available in Open Access under the Attribution-ShareAlike 3.0 IGO (CC-BY-SA 3.0 IGO) licence.

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viernes, 7 de junio de 2024

Technology in Education: A Tool on Whose Terms?

Technology in Education: A Tool on Whose Terms? is a thought-provoking publication that examines the integration of technology in educational settings. This publication delves into the benefits and challenges associated with the use of technology in classrooms around the world.

UNESCO critically analyzes how technology can enhance learning experiences, promote inclusive education, and bridge educational gaps. However, it also highlights the potential drawbacks, such as dependency on technology, issues of accessibility, and the risk of widening the digital divide.

The publication encourages educators and policymakers to consider whose terms technology is being used on, advocating for a balanced and equitable approach to integrating digital tools in education. By doing so, it aims to ensure that technology serves as a beneficial resource for all students, regardless of their background.

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