sábado, 22 de junio de 2024

Invent, impact, inspire (Learning situations)

In these learning situations, from a service-learning approach, participants will think of ways to make a positive impact on the world while mastering English skills through engaging and interactive activities.

Participants will organize a technology fair at school to showcase useful inventions for the community. They will learn to collect information on local needs by participating in a public forum, write a patent application for their invention, and create a tutorial with instructions on how their invention works. The final task is to present the project at the technology fair, explaining the problem it addresses and its relevance to the community.

The study will include vocabulary about social issues, rules of netiquette, use of comparatives and superlatives, expressing logical relations using connectors of purpose and reason, phrases for giving instructions, and the pronunciation of the final -r.

The project includes three missions and a final challenge, involving individual, pair, and group work.

Participants are encouraged to do their best and enjoy the learning process.


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