gives you the opportunity to learn English for free with 545 video
lessons by experienced native-speaker teachers. New classes are added
three times a week, covering grammar, vocabulary, pronunciation,
TOEFL, and more.
miércoles, 31 de julio de 2013
lunes, 29 de julio de 2013
Science Kids
The aim of Science Kids is to provide educational resources
for teachers and parents that help make science fun and engaging for kids.
website was created by Rene Smith, a New Zealander teacher, and offers a wide
range of great classroom teaching ideas and resources (experiments, games, facts, projects,
quizzes, lessons, images, videos…) organized by topic.
viernes, 26 de julio de 2013
Jornadas de inglés en el aula de infantil
Hemos cerrado prácticamente las intervenciones de nuestras jornadas: Recursos y propuestas para trabajar el inglés en el aula de infantil, que tendrán lugar en Elda los días 30 de septiembre, 1 y 2 de octubre (10 horas).
Podéis ver el pre-programa en el siguiente enlace e inscribiros en la página del CEFIRE de Elda. Esperamos que os interese.
Podéis ver el pre-programa en el siguiente enlace e inscribiros en la página del CEFIRE de Elda. Esperamos que os interese.
martes, 23 de julio de 2013
English Flash Games
Collection of English vocabulary flash games for kids and ESL students: hangman, memory, drag&drop games...
An example:
viernes, 19 de julio de 2013
English Learning Box
English Learning Box is a multi-level ESL/ EFL course. It
gives you listening and speaking practice with authentic materials, media and
vocabulary, grammar and language activities. Each lesson features a specific
topic with a step-by-step approach to understand different accents and
In various sections you will enhance your writing and
speaking skills, you will find illustrated idioms and expressions and funny stories
as told by native English speakers.
On Twitter: https://twitter.com/EngLearningBox
lunes, 15 de julio de 2013
Funbrain, created in 1997 for kids ages preschool through
grade 8, offers more than 100 fun, interactive games that develop skills in
math, reading, and literacy. Plus, kids can read a variety of popular books and
comics on the site.
Funbrain is published by Family Education Network, a part of
Pearson, the education, services and technology company. Funbrain is
committed to providing a safe gaming environment that bridges learning and
entertainment.(Source: http://www.funbrain.com/aboutus.html)
Also for teachers and families:
jueves, 11 de julio de 2013
EnglishForEveryone.org is a resource for printable English worksheets. On the left of the webpage you will find an index containing topics (e.g. reading comprensión, grammar topics, phonics, vocabulary, culture…) with hundreds of quality teaching materials (PDF files).
This is copyrighted work to be used only by teachers in school or at home. Binding, bookmaking, and or collation, reproduction and or duplication on other websites, saving to disks or hard drives, publication on intranets such as Moodle and Blackboard, inclusion of the worksheets in school/ work assessment tests, and or use of the worksheets for commercial gain is strictly prohibited.
lunes, 8 de julio de 2013
Lessonstream is a selection of lesson plans (based on video, songs, images...) classified by topic, level, learner type, time, activity and language aim, which serve to demonstrate how teachers can make use of such materials. The site uses a Creative Commons license. What this means is that teachers have permission to remix, mash and share the content on this site for non-commercial purposes.
On Twitter: https://twitter.com/lessonstream
viernes, 5 de julio de 2013
Jornada inglés e infantil. Herramientas para el aula

Tras la inauguración y la información
institucional, ha intervenido Coral George con la ponencia Phonic Methodological Approaches and Classroom
Podéis encontrar información sobre diversos aspectos del contenido de la intervención en
http://www.coralgeorge.com (conceptos, synthetic vs. analytic phonics, teaching phonics, recursos, enlaces, presenting-blending-segmenting...)
También se dieron como referencia para formación on line y materiales las siguientes direcciones:
(Podéis consultar en castellano un resumen sobre Jolly Phonics aquí. También un resumen en inglés en Wikipedia.)
La tarde se reservó a dos exposiciones:
"Projects in English for Infantil" por Heather Bonte, profesora de La Gacela de Paterna. Se presentaron formas de trabajar proyectos en infantil, métodos, diversas técnicas (sign in/off, 3R, use of realia, scaffolding, total physical response, fun repetition, games, cooperative learning structures y closed questions. Se animó a estimular la curiosidad, el deseo de participación y la necesidad de comunicar y se aportaron ejemplos de secuenciación, organización y actividades prácticas.
digitals en anglés" por Cecilia Martín, profesora del CEIP San Pascual de
Algunos recursos recomendados durante la intervención:
Super Simple Learning: http://www.supersimplelearning.com
Kiz Club: http://www.kizclub.com/
English for the
Little Children:
Noticia vinculada en la web de la Conselleria.
martes, 2 de julio de 2013
lunes, 1 de julio de 2013
Interactive Learning Sites for Education
Online, interactive, educational games and simulations. Activities that work great with your interactive whiteboards (IWB) for whole group or small group instruction or use in the computer lab or at home for individual learning.
These interactive games, sites, and
activities were not created by by the owner of this site. The content consists of linked resources (property of their respective creators).
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