sábado, 7 de mayo de 2022

OER The city of my dreams

This open educational resource is part of the proposal of the Junta de Andalucía to develop OER to support the attention to diversity in the core subjects of non-university education, among others, in the subject of first foreign language: English.

This project corresponds specifically to the primary school stage. However, you can find more resources corresponding to secondary or baccalaureate.


At the end of this OER (REA), the students will create, in pairs or groups of three, a 3D city model using recycled materials. Then, they will use job avatars, to ask and give directions, so that their avatar reaches its workplace.

What are they going to learn?

Be able to recognize and label the main buildings in our 3D city model.

Be able to find information on the internet about towns and cities.

Be able to identify main places in a city, such as public buildings and other facilities.

Be able to identify the professions that are carried out in the main buildings of a city.

Be able to give and ask for information to reach places in a city.


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