sábado, 17 de diciembre de 2022

Met Éireann’s Primary School Resources page

Resources for parents, teachers and children that have been designed for use in primary schools. They aim to provide a basic introduction to the weather and weather-related topics for primary school students. 

The resources, presented as fact sheets, quizzes, lesson plans and experiments, are designed to encourage primary students to engage in active learning though an exploration and investigation of basic meteorological principles.

They are grouped together under these categories.

  • Younger Primary Students: this section offers simple descriptions of common weather facts, e.g. sunshine, rainfall, wind, temperature.
  • Older Primary Students: this section provides more in-depth information on weather-related topics and introduces more specific skills such as reading weather charts and cloud recognition.
  • Lessons Plans: this section is designed primarily for use by teachers and the lesson plans can be adapted to suit either younger or older primary school students.


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